
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mars...with Venus Rising by Hope Toler Dougherty

A complimentary review copy was provided to me.

Now that summer is here (or at least I thought it might be before I saw the snow falling today), I really enjoy finding light, easy to read books that can provide a nice diversion when I have a few minutes available to relax between activities. Mars...with Venus Rising by Hope Toler Dougherty fit the bill perfectly. A nice light, easy flowing story about Penn, her aunts and John Townsend, set in the community of Mars, PA. I think part of what I enjoyed was having it set in a community I was familiar with, having lived not too far away in Moon Township when I was younger.

I found the story and the characters to be quirky and lovable. The story progresses nicely and kept me interested in seeing what might happen next. There isn't significant growth experienced by the characters, but the story does shows how faith can get you through things that feel beyond your strength and allow you the confidence to proceed with other things in the future.

I do like that the author included the recipes for many of the baked goods that Aunt Jancie and Aunt Winnie made during the story and I look forward to trying the celebration cookies.

About the book:

Mars . . . with Venus Rising (Pelican Book Group, August 2015)

A meddling horse, paper bag floors and a flying saucer on the town square. The little town of Mars has it all---including a brand new resident who might spell heartache for one of its own.

Twenty-something Penn Davenport yearns for an exciting life in the big city and wants to shed the label of orphan that she's worn for years. To achieve that dream, she must pass the CPA exam then move away from the two aunts who reared her after her parents died in a plane crash.

When John Townsend---full of life and the joy of living---moves to town, he rattles Penn's view of herself, her life, and her dreams . . . which isn't such a bad thing until she falls for him and discovers he's a pilot.

Purchase a copy:

About the author:

Hope Toler Dougherty holds a Master's degree in English and taught at East Carolina University as well as York Technical College. A member of ACFW, RWA and SinC, she writes for Almost an Author. Before writing novels, she published non-fiction articles on topics ranging from gardening with children to writing apprehension. She cheers for the Pittsburgh Steelers, ACC basketball, and Army West Point Football. Hope and her husband, Kevin, live in North Carolina and chat with their two daughters and twin sons through ooVoo.

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You can find more reviews and learn more about the book and author on the blog tour landing page.

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.