
Friday, December 26, 2014

The Day After Christmas

*information for this post was in part supplied by Hormel Foods through their Hormel Extended Family Blogger program. No compensation was received for this post.
I hope everyone has been enjoying the holidays with their family. For us, we got to celebrate with my extended family over the weekend and have been able to enjoy some quiet time at home this week. It used to be that I had to work the entire holiday period with just Christmas and New Year's Day off, so I am definitely thankful to be at a point where I get to spend an extended period of time at home just hanging out with my kids. It is very relaxing and we have watched movies, played games and simply hung out together.

We enjoyed our big meal for Christmas at lunch time. Since it was just the four of us celebrating, I once again went with a turkey breast. At Thanksgiving, we had a Jennie-O Oven Ready Bone-In Turkey Breast and it was so easy that I decided to do the same for Christmas. When I got to the store, they only had the Oven Ready Boneless, Skinless Turkey Breast, so that is what we went with. Just like the bone-in product, it was very easy to prepare - going right from my freezer to my oven. I definitely appreciate not having to thaw it for a few days in advance, like when I make a traditional whole turkey. I also really like that the turkey breast gives us just enough meat for the main meal and one or two leftover meals.

When it comes to leftovers, the family doesn't seem to enjoy having the same meal again, so we always mix it up. My husband enjoyed an open face turkey sandwich - white bread, piled high with turkey and mashed potatoes and covered with gravy. My kids wanted paninis, which we make on our waffle maker most of the time, and a side of sweet potatoes.
I had some bacon in the fridge that I needed to use up, so I fried up the Hormel Black Label Thick Cut Brown Sugar bacon. I prefer to buy traditional bacon and fry up the whole package, putting the balance of what was not needed in the freezer for future sandwich making. I know that I could always use a ready-bacon, but I like having some bacon fat on hand for making eggs and my kids can use it straight from the freezer for their sandwiches. The brown sugar on this bacon provided a wonderful aroma while frying and a great touch of sweet to the bacon.

Today, we used the turkey and the bacon to create Turkey Bacon Ranch Paninis (or Wafflewiches perhaps is a better name).
Simply place your slice of bread on the waffle maker, add turkey, bacon, ranch and a bit of cheese, top with another slice of bread and close the cover. Once the bread is toasted and the cheese melted, the sandwich is ready to go.

How do you use up leftovers?

No compensation was received for this post. Product samples and thought starters are provided by Hormel through the Hormel Extended Family Blogger program, in which I participate. All opinions are my own or that of my family.

The Secret of Pembrooke Park by Julie Klassen

A complimentary review copy was provided to me.
One of the joys of the holidays is not only having time to spend with family and to relax, but it also means time for extra reading (and watching sappy holiday movies - but that seems to be more limited as my kids get older and don't want to watch with me and don't go to bed as early).
As the holidays approached this year, I started reading The Secret of Pembrooke Park, by Julie Klassen. I have previous read The Dancing Master (you can see my review here), also by Julie Klassen and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I had high hopes for The Secret of Pembrooke Park (it did not disappoint!). As I began to read the book, I discovered that not only was this period literature with some tales of romance, but also a mystery! I have long been a fan of mysteries and to have one set against the background of England in the early 1800s was awesome.

The characters were wonderfully developed in this story. Of course, there were some facts about the characters that were not fully disclosed and others that were revealed in time, by design since the story was in part a mystery. I quickly found myself worrying about Abigail's safety and second guessing whether she could trust those that were around her. What was their history and what did they want with Abigail and her family? I worried about whether she would find love and more importantly, the right love for her.

The mystery and the intrigue that the author developed really pulled me in to the story. I found myself wanting to read "just one more chapter" (and they weren't short) before calling it a night. I even took the book to the gym with me and walked on the treadmill, instead of running, so that I wouldn't lose that time and could continue to read the book. My son was impressed that I managed to read the over 450 page book over the course of a few days, but with as good as the story was, I simply didn't want to put it down.

From the back cover:
Abigail Foster is the practical daughter. She fears she will end up a spinster, especially as she has little dowry, and the one man she thought might marry her seems to have fallen for her younger, prettier sister.

Facing financial ruin, Abigail and her father search for more affordable lodgings, until a strange solicitor arrives with an astounding offer: the use of a distant manor house abandoned for eighteen years. The Fosters journey to imposing Pembrooke Park and are startled to find it entombed as it was abruptly left: tea cups encrusted with dry tea, moth-eaten clothes in wardrobes, a doll's house left mid-play . . .

The handsome local curate welcomes them, but though he and his family seem acquainted with the manor's past, the only information they offer is a stern warning: Beware trespassers drawn by rumors that Pembrooke Park contains a secret room filled with treasure.

This catches Abigail's attention. Hoping to restore her family's finances—and her dowry—Abigail looks for this supposed treasure. But eerie sounds at night and footprints in the dust reveal she isn't the only one secretly searching the house.

As old friends and new foes come calling at Pembrooke Park, secrets come to light. Will Abigail find the treasure and love she seeks . . . or very real danger?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and recommend it if you enjoy period literature, romance and mystery. I look forward to reading more books my Julie Klassen.

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lloyd's BBQ Giveaway Winners!

The winners have been selected and e-mails sent to the five winners of the Lloyd's BBQ coupon giveaway.

You can see the list of winners on the Rafflecopter widget in the giveaway post.

Thanks everyone for entering and be sure to check out the Cook'n Recipe Organizer Giveaway.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Qrunch Burgers Winners!

The winners of the Qrunch Burgers coupon giveaway have been selected through Rafflecopter and e-mails sent.

You can check out the giveaway post to see the list of winners on the Rafflecopter widget.

Congratulations and be sure to check out the active giveaways.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cook'n Recipe Organizer - review and giveaway

I received a complimentary copy as a participant in the Tryazon Cook'n Recipe Exchange Party back in October. I had previously had an older version. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family.

I love to cook and to bake. I love to find and try new recipes. One of my biggest challenges was always organization. I have a recipe box that is partially populated with cards. I have a recipe accordion file that is full of some recipes that I got from my family at one of my wedding showers, plus some others that I have added. I have two write your own cookbooks - one that maxed out on space (you could add refills and I did until the rings could hold no more) and a second one that is not quite full but is set up to hold a combination of papers you write directly on and some pockets to hold recipe cards. I also have a folder that contains hundreds of recipes that I have clipped from newspapers, magazines and even printed from the internet over the years that I had wanted to try. Once I tried them, I would either transfer them to a recipe card or a cookbook or throw them out if we didn't like them. (This was all before Pinterest of course, now I just Pin them and try them later. My organization there is a whole other issue.)

Having my recipes was great, but with so many places, it could be hard to locate the recipe that I was looking for, although I became an expert on location of some of the most used recipes. In addition, sharing with friends and family required either typing it up to share or writing it out on a note card. Then, a few years ago, I discovered the wonder that is Cook'n Recipe Organizer.
There are a number of features that I love about Cook'n. The first is that I can easily enter my own recipes. Not only can I type them up, if I am able to find a recipe online, I can use the features in Cook'n to capture recipes from the internet. In my experience, most of them over clean but sometimes you have to do a little bit of cleanup to align the ingredient name. One of the improvements that was made in the most recent version is that you can capture from almost any site used to be limited to a handful of sites. I often will do a quick search to see if I can find a similar recipe, as a means of expediting the load of the recipe. There is also functionality that let's you scan or capture a photo of a recipe and import it to your cookbook. You can customize your chapters, to organize in a way that makes sense to you and change them as you go. I started with just a dessert category, but have since split it out to put cookies into their own chapter. I love the flexibility.

The program is able to calculate the nutrition per serving and uses values from the preferred or designated brand for the ingredients. Can't find your favorite? You can add you own ingredients and brands, allowing you to base your calculations on the ingredients and brands that you use. This is a nice feature in my opinion. For my favorites, I have entered the details from the nutrition label on the package and made that brand my preferred brand for the ingredient.

Once you have a recipe saved, it is also easy to scale your recipe. There is functionality to help you with menu planning and will even generate a grocery list. Plan your menu by dragging and dropping the recipes onto the weekly plan. Then, click on the grocery list and it will generate based on the recipes. Clean up the list to remove on hand ingredients and you are ready to go.
With the newest version, you can now Sync your recipes to your mobile devices. I really like this functionality, because now, I can take the iPad to the kitchen and easily access my recipes where I am, without having to print or walk back and forth to my computer while I am baking and cooking. It is also nice because with it on my phone, I can quickly reference a recipe...whether I am at the store and found a great deal and want to update my meal plan or I am talking to a friend and want to share it with them. Speaking of sharing, quick share buttons that allow you to e-mail, post to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+ are available on your recipes. You can also use the embed in website button to get an HTML version complete with formatting for the theme. You can share links to your recipe as well.

There are several available cookbooks that you can buy and download into the software. This is a great way to find new recipes and increase your database. Just the other week, there was an offer from Rhodes bread in the Sunday coupon flyer to download their cookbook to Cook'n. Most of the other cookbooks are available for a nominal cost.

The newest version also features a Live Recipe feed, that provides a picture and link to several recently used recipes. It includes the most captured recipe from the last 24 hours and last 7 days, giving you the perfect opportunity to find some popular recipes. You can even customize the feed to easily follow your favorite sites and see the recently added recipes.
The search functionality in the software allows you to search a particular cookbook or chapter, all of Cook'n or even the internet. Search by key words to find ingredients you have on hand, focus on recipe names only and even search based on ratings. It really has worked well for me when looking for recipes.

I really can't say enough good things about the software. I simply love it.

I think it makes a great gift for family or friends that love to cook. This weekend, Cook'n is offering a great special on the software. You can get it for only $20, the regular retail price is $80...that is 75% off! Here is the link to this amazing offer. After this weekend, you can still save on your purchase, go to to place your order and simply use the following code at checkout to save 50%: mb-busymom.

You can learn more about Tryazon by visiting them on Facebook or following them on Twitter or Pinterest.


In addition, I have the opportunity through my participation the Tryazon party to giveaway one complimentary copy to one A Busy Mom of Two reader.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway will remain open through December 10th. Winners will be selected through Rafflecopter. The winner will have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.

I received a complimentary copy as a participant in the Tryazon Cook'n Recipe Exchange Party back in October. I had previously had an older version. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. The discount code and the giveaway copy are compliments of Cook'n.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Lloyd's Barbeque - Giveaway!

*information for this post was in part supplied by Hormel Foods through their Hormel Extended Family Blogger program. No compensation was received for this post.
A few weeks ago, we took a family vacation to Walt Disney World (I really do mean to share the insights, tips and tricks, but I never seem to have the time). We timed our trip this year to hit the end of the Epcot Food and Wine Festival. My son, who as of late seems to be becoming quite a little foodie, wanted to try food at all the stations. We didn't get to all of them, but did hit quite a few of them. One of the first things that we tried was a Pork Slider at the Hawaii station. It was pork, a pineapple chutney, a spicy mayonnaise on a slider roll.

As I was exploring the Lloyd's page on, I found a recipe for a Barbeque Pineapple and Chicken sandwich.
I am certain this dish is not quite the same, I was thinking of starting with this recipe, swapping in Pork for the Chicken, omitting the cheese and adding a spiced up mayo to see how close we could get to the sandwich we all enjoyed at Epcot.

As a Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger, I have been invited to share with my readers 10 coupons for Lloyd's BBQ. You could try the recipe I mention above or any number of recipes featured on the Lloyd's page or simply enjoy them as sandwiches (also good just served up 'open-face' on crackers).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway will remain open through December 5th. Winners will be selected through Rafflecopter. The winner will have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected. Coupons are only good until 12/31/14 and will be mailed to the winners. A Busy Mom of Two is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail.

No compensation was received for this post. All opinions expressed are mine or those of my family. I am completing this post as a participant in the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger program. Hormel Foods provided some product and some of the information and images for this post.

The Day After Thanksgiving

*information for this post was in part supplied by Hormel Foods through their Hormel Extended Family Blogger program. No compensation was received for this post.

Thanksgiving was a wonderful (and quiet) holiday. It was just the four of us at home celebrating and one of my friends, whose husband and kids had traveled to his hometown for the week, joined us for the meal. Everything was so flavorful and it was nice just to relax at home and spend time together.

With a mid-day meal, we didn't do anything formal for dinner. I pulled out some finger foods and dessert (pumpkin cheesecake) for the group to munch on. Times like this my family enjoys snacking on cheese and crackers. A perfect time to enjoy a Hormel Gatherings Party or Snack Tray (we love the Snack Tray size - they are great for snacking with just the family!)

In fact, we kept and cleaned the tray from the HORMEL GATHERINGS™ Supreme Party Trayand actually as pictured here refilled it with the contents of the smaller HORMEL® Snack Tray Pepperoni Bites (the pepperoni, cheese and pretzels)
and served it with some crackers and dip to make it a one stop snack station.

I hadn't planned to go out shopping at all yesterday, but the family joined my friend for one quick stop so she could have others check out the furniture she was going to get - since her family wasn't there to help her. Then, after the kids went to bed, I ventured out to Target to pick up a few of the less popular Black Friday deals. It was strange, there was almost no lines and there were even some of the displays that were not on the beaten path that were still fully intact (I had to remove the little plastic disc from the end of the hanging posts that holds the items in place during transit in order to purchase the item - all but one post had the disc still there). I was able to get everything that was on my list and more - 40% off all clothes was a great deal, I might have gotten more if I didn't want to get home at a decent time. I was glad I didn't linger, as the parking lot and minor road ways were icy and it only got colder as the night went on.

This morning, again, no early alarm setting for me. When I did get moving, I made three quick stops - Target (10% off Target Gift Cards), Kohl's (assorted doorbuster deals through 1 pm) and Giant Eagle (Amazon gift cards, 20% Fuel Perks). I had planned to get to CVS, but was beat and decided I could go later or tomorrow.

We enjoyed leftovers for lunch and now, we are just relaxing and the kids are watching movies. I love long holiday weekends with nothing specific scheduled to be done. I think it is a wonderful contrast to our normally (over) programmed lives of sports, activities, school and work.

No compensation was received for this post. All opinions expressed are mine or those of my family. I am completing this post as a participant in the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger program. Hormel Foods provided some product and some of the information and images for this post.

Holiday Gift Guide kick-off

It still seems a little strange to me that we are less than a month from Christmas and the other winter holidays that are celebrated.

With the weather we have been having in northeast Ohio, I must say that I am definitely in the mood. We had our first notable snow fall over a week ago - certainly nothing like Buffalo saw, but snow and cold.

Then, of course, with a white Thanksgiving and Black Friday now underway, it continues to put me into the holiday mode.

I don't have a set list of specific items, but more so some thoughts on types of gifts that have served us well over the years. Gifts that the kids come back to over and over again and those that we get the most feedback on. Hopefully, if you are stuck with what to get someone on your list, some of the ideas that I share will help you come up with some ideas. The link will take you back to posts that I have done over the years at the holidays...and yes, it is likely that many of them will overlap - perhaps that is just further evidence that they have stood the test of time that I still consider them a good idea.

I don't have many, but there are a giveaway or two that will be coming up during the series too.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

CVS Deals!

I feel like it has been forever since there were deals at CVS that had me planning a trip. I am sure that there have been some here or there deals, but I think that the deals the week of Thanksgiving are amongst my favorites. Anyone know if their Thanksgiving ad will have more deals?

I got all of this for just about $4 before tax. I submitted for a $.75 iBotta rebate. (you can sign up through this link)
3 - boxes of Kleenex Tissues
1 - 11 oz can Green Giant Corn
1 - box Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
1 - CVS soft wipes
1 - 4pk Advil tabs
1 - Vitamin Water
1 - 3 Musketeers
1 - Reese Cup
1 - Wrigley 5 gum
1 - Colgate MaxFresh toothpaste

I also got 4 rain checks. The rain checks were for Combos, Theater Box candy, and gum. Some of the other items that were out were special purchase items that aren't stocked, so I couldn't get those.

It took me a couple of minutes to reform my deals and ultimately, cost me about $1 more out of pocket, but also left me with $.99 ECB more than my original plan.

Did you get any of this weeks deals?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Planning for Thanksgiving

*information for this post was in part supplied by Hormel Foods through their Hormel Extended Family Blogger program. No compensation was received for this post.

Are you the host for Thanksgiving? When I am planning for an event, I love to be able to get as much done ahead of time as possible.

For the past 8 years, I have done a traditional turkey dinner for my daughter's birthday and the realization quickly set in that with only one oven, the only way to pull it off is to work ahead. For me, this starts with roasting my turkey the night before the event. Once roasted, I can let it cool before carving. This is great because it reabsorbs much of the cooking broth in the process, resulting in moist turkey. Plus, I can get the turkey cleaned and the carcass thrown out and get the kitchen cleaned up. I place the turkey into a 9x13 (or a little larger) glass pan, add a small amount of broth, cover tightly with aluminum in set in my refrigerator. The next day, I put it in the oven with my other dishes and cook it for about 30 - 45 minutes to cook it through. I also gather the remaining broth and set in the refrigerator to use to make gravy the next day.

I also like to prep my side dishes. The first I always do is next day mashed potatoes. I boil the potatoes and mash them with some added ingredients, like cream cheese, and put in another glass pan. The potatoes take about 45 - 60 minutes to cook the next day. I also do my sweet potatoes, because I do a mashed sweet potato casserole. They take about 45 minutes to cook the next day. I also prepare my stuffing, although I suppose since it never sees the turkey it is technically dressing. I usually use a few pieces of the carved turkey and a little of the cooking broth in the preparation of my stuffing...which I can only do if I prepare the turkey the day ahead.

I also do all of my cutting and chopping for my fruit salad and vegetable tray. Then, the day of, I can quickly set out the vegetables and have plenty at the ready for refilling the tray. I assemble the fruit salad day of, in order to keep things fresh.

I typically prepare my vegetable dishes the day of the event and put them in the oven along side the other dishes that are cooking. I like to do a broccoli and cauliflower dish, but this year I think I am going to try the Bacon and Green Bean Casserole Deluxe featured on the Hormel site.
It is much like the traditional one, with a kick of bacon bits - after all, everything is better with bacon. We don't do mushroom soup, so I will swap in cream of celery or onion to give it a good creamy texture. Best thing is, you can make this one the day ahead and then simply warm and serve.

This year our celebration will just be the immediate family, so we are trying out the Jennie-O Oven Ready Turkey Breast. I must say, I am intrigued by this one, it "goes straight from your freezer to your oven". I am so used to thawing. It comes in an oven ready back and you simply pull out of your freezer, remove from the outer bag and put it in your oven in a roasting pan. I will have to let you know how it goes. I also will not be prepping the sides, because I will not need a full casserole of mashed potatoes and can just make up a small pan day of.

No compensation was received for this post. All opinions expressed are mine or those of my family. I am completing this post as a participant in the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger program. Hormel Foods provided some product and some of the information and images for this post.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Qrunch Burgers Review and Giveaway!

No compensation was received for this post. The manufacturer provided the coupons for the giveaway. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family.
A few months ago, on a week where my husband was doing the grocery shopping, he came home with a new product that he had tried and a few coupons from the demo stand. The product was Qrunch burgers. As recently as a year ago, I would have been surprised that he had bought some, but lately he seems to be more open to new foods. We don't have any dietary restrictions or try to eat a certain way, other than just an overall balanced, healthy diet with reasonable portions (at least most of the time).
Qrunch burgers are made with Quinoa and other vegetables/beans depending on the variety. The products are Gluten-free, Soy-free, Wheat-free, Nut-free, Egg-free, Dairy-free, Corn-free, Animal-free, Light Sodium and use Ancient Grains (Quinoa). Looking at a list like that might make you wonder about the flavor, which by the way is great. Not only are they flavorful, they have a nice crunch when prepared too.

The product is so easy to prepare. You can make them in your toaster. Put it through two cycles in your standard toaster and your Qrunch burger is ready to eat. We eat them like a burger, placing them on a bun and topping with tomatoes, lettuce, mustard, ketchup, etc.

There are five varieties of Qrunch burgers - Original, Spicy Italian, Green Chile, Sweet Curry and a new one that I am going to have to find - Saucy Buffalo. We have tried the first four flavors. The family favorite is the Spicy Italian, but my husband also likes the Original and the Green Chile. I am sure that when we find Saucy Buffalo, that will be a favorite too.

At just about 200 calories per Qrunch burger, varies slightly by variety, we find that they fit well in our diet.

Have you tried Qrunch burgers? What did you think?

Courtesy of Qrunch Foods, I have several $1.00 off coupons that I can giveaway to A Busy Mom of Two readers. The coupons are good through the end of the year.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway will remain open through December 1st. Winners will be selected through Rafflecopter. The winner will have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected. Coupons are only good until 12/31/14 and will be mailed to the winners. A Busy Mom of Two is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail.
No compensation was received for this post. The manufacturer provided the coupons for the giveaway. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.
I recently had the chance to read the latest book from Leslie Gould - Becoming Bea. This book is the 4th in The Courtships of Lancaster County, but the first that I read. Jumping in in the middle of the series was not an issue, as the author did a great job of providing back story as needed.
Bea and Ben had known each other since they were in school and as scholars, there was always a competition between them. They had courted briefly, but something had brought that to an end. This really hit home for me, as there was a guy that I went to school with that I was always competing with and even had a crush on at one point. I never dated the guy from school, but used to wonder what if. I really like how the author developed the lead characters because it made them easy to relate to. Like many young adults, finding herself in a new environment helps Bea learn things that she didn't know about herself and overcome fears that she had. This learning helps her become a more confident and slower to react to things around her. Of course, if you want to find out more about Bea, what she learns and what happens, reading the story is the best way.

As with much of the Amish fiction that I have read, the fact that the characters are Amish seems to be more of a component of the background or scenery, nuances in the story. The story transcends their faith and could be about anyone, anywhere.

I enjoyed reading this book by Leslie Gould and plan to read her other books - perhaps starting with the earlier books in the series, to learn even more about some of the characters that I met in Becoming Bea.

About the book: Can Bea and Ben Turn Rivalry Into Romance?

Beatrice Zook knows God wants her to learn patience toward others. When assisting a family overwhelmed by triplets proves surprisingly successful, her confidence in dealing with others, both young and old, grows.

One person she'll never be able to find peace with though is Ben Rupp. They've known each other forever, and Ben understands precisely how to antagonize her. What neither she nor Ben will admit is that beneath all their bickering, attraction awaits. When friends decide to try and bring the couple together, will the pair be able to find true love? Or will they damage their relationship beyond repair?

Purchase a copy here.

About the author: Leslie Gould is the coauthor, with Mindy Starns Clark, of the #1 CBA bestseller The Amish Midwife, a 2012 Christy Award winner; ECPA bestseller Courting Cate, first in the Courtships of Lancaster County series; and Beyond the Blue, winner of the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice for Best Inspirational Novel, 2006. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Portland State University and has taught fiction writing at Multnomah University as an adjunct professor. She and her familyl live in Portland, Oregon.

Find Leslie online: website, Facebook, and Twitter

You can find more reviews and information on the blog tour landing page.

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sarah E. Ladd's A Lady at Willowgrove Hall

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.
Recently, I had the opportunity to read A Lady at Willowgrove Hall, by Sarah E. Ladd. The book was set in England in the early 1800s. Historical fiction is a genre that I find very enjoyable. I'm not sure I fully understand the intricacies of the class structure, but still I find it intriguing. The properness of the relationships and the interaction between men and women is very interesting. There is something inherently romantic about period literature from my perspective.

I really enjoyed the book. From the beginning, the reader was brought right into the story and felt a quick connection with the characters. The author did a fine job developing the characters. The secrets that they held were slowly revealed, as needed to better understand the characters.

Reading this book left me wanting to read more period pieces and I certainly will check out the other works by Sarah E. Ladd. In fact, after completing the book, I discovered that it was actually the third book in the series.

If you enjoy period pieces or romances, I would recommend you read this book.
About the book:

Her secret cloaks her in isolation and loneliness.

His secret traps him in a life that is not his own.

Cecily Faire carries the shame of her past wherever she treads, knowing one slip of the tongue could strip away everything she holds dear. But soon after accepting the position of lady's companion at Willowgrove Hall, Cecily finds herself face-to-face with a man well-acquainted with the past she's desperately hidden for years.

Nathaniel Stanton has a secret of his own --- one that has haunted him from birth and tied him to his father's position as steward of Willowgrove. To protect his family, Nathaniel dares not breath a word of the truth. But as long as the shadow looms over him, he'll never be free to find his own way in the world. He'll never be free to fall in love.

When the secrets swirling within Willowgrove Hall come to light, Cecily and Nathaniel must confront a painful choice: Will they continue running from the past . . . or will they stand together and build a future without the suffocating weight of secrets long suffered?

Purchase a copy:

About the author:

Sarah E. Ladd has more than ten years of marketing experience. She is a graduate of Ball State University and holds degrees in public relations and marketing. The Heiress of Winterwood was the recipient of the 2011 Genesis Award for historical romance. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing husband, sweet daughter, and spunky Golden Retriever.

Find Sarah online: website, Facebook, Twitter

Find more reviews from the blog tour and information about the book here.

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bacon Cheddar Ranch Dip #Hormel #Dip

*information for this post was in part supplied by Hormel Foods through their Hormel Extended Family Blogger program. No compensation was received for this post.
The other weekend, we hosted a game night at our house. We have always been a big game family and have always enjoyed having friends in for game night. This most recent evening was a smaller gathering with only three couples able to join us. One tradition is that everyone brings a snack to share. One of the women that I met when I first moved to town 12 years ago brought along a dip that my kids both loved. So, when we hosted family for a birthday party this weekend, I reached out to get the dip recipe to make it for party. The recipe called for bacon, to make it easy, I used a jar Hormel Real Bacon Pieces. It actually was less bacon than the recipe called for, but was just right in my opinion. I loved that it made prep quick and there was no mess from frying bacon that I had to clean up. The dip was a hit!
Bacon Cheddar Ranch dip

16 ounces light sour cream
1 package ranch dip mix
2.8 ounces Hormel Real Bacon Pieces
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese

Mix all ingredients. Chill. Serve with pretzels, crackers or chips.

No compensation was received for this post. All opinions expressed are mine or those of my family. I am completing this post as a participant in the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger program. Hormel Foods provided some product and some of the information for this post. The recipe was shared by my friend, I don't know the original source.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Winner of the 4-pk of tickets to Cedar Point HalloWeekends

Congratulations to Amanda! Her entry was selected as the winner of the 4-pk of tickets to Cedar Point HalloWeekends.

An e-mail has been sent to the winner.

Stay tuned for more giveaways coming this weekend.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cedar Point HalloWeekends - 4 pack of tickets #Giveaway #CedarPoint

No compensation was received for this post. All opinions expressed are entirely my own or that of my family.
Growing up, I have many memories of family trips and Girl Scout trips to Cedar Point. Our trips were typically during the week and were a total blast. Now that I have my own family, we try to make a trip there at least once a season. It has been an interesting progression, as the kids get older, we have started to migrate to some of the big rides, but still spend much of our time in the kids area and riding Gemini.
I have not been to HalloWeekends before, but a fellow blogger shares about HalloWeekends here. Based on her experience, it definitely sounds like the daytime would be full of fun for the whole family.

Don't miss out on HalloWeekends! Cedar Point is open on Friday nights (after 6 p.m.), Saturdays and Sundays now through Nov. 2, 2014. Here is pricing info:

Fri or Sun Night Admission as low as $38.99 plus applicable taxes and fees
Saturday Night Admission as low as $45.99 plus applicable taxes and fees
Sat or Sun All-Day Admission All Day & All Night as low as $47.99 plus applicable taxes and fees


Win a 4-pack of tickets to experience HalloWeekends with your family. Please note, the tickets are only good for the remaining three HalloWeekends this year. Cedar Point is open on Friday nights (after 6 p.m.), Saturdays and Sundays now through Nov. 2, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway will remain open through October 17th. Tickets are only redeemable this year, for any day during the remaining weekends of HalloWeekends, through November 2nd. Winners will be selected through Rafflecopter. The winner will have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.

No compensation was received for this post. Cedar Point provided the information as well as the 4-pack of tickets for the giveaway. All opinions expressed are entirely my own or that of my family.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Mason Jar by James Russell Lingerfelt

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me. 

I come from a large family. My grandparents were an important part of my life and I enjoyed listening to the stories that Grandma would share. When I read the blurb about The Mason Jar and the letters that Finn and his grandpa would leave for each other, I decided it was a book that I was interested in reading.

The style of the book is different than others that I have read in that the story starts in the present day and the back story is told through a book. Finn and Eden met at a college in Southern California. Though they only spent a little time together, the impact on Finn was large. So much so that years later, he wrote a book that focused on their time together and her impact after she left. Her college roommate made her aware of the book and once she had the book, she read it straight through.

There were times where the heavy conversation of the book made it a little challenging to read, but I enjoyed reading the love story told through the man's point of view (and by a male author). In the context of the book in the book, we learned a lot about Finn and his perspective on the relationship. I enjoyed reading the perspective that Finn's grandfather was able to provide to him as a mentor, through the letters that they exchanged.

It was nice that at the end of the story, at Homecoming, when they saw each other for the first time since she had left, that we learned more about her and why she left all of those years ago.

If you are looking for a different love story, this is a good book to check out.

About the book:

What if your old college roommate called, raving about a book someone sent her, calling it the most beautiful book she's ever read? "But," she said, "it's about you." The author is your college ex.

In The Mason Jar, Clayton Fincannon is a Tennessee farm boy raised at the feet of his grandfather. He and his grandfather leave letters for each other in a Mason jar on his grandfather's desk---letters of counsel and affirmation. When Clayton attends college in Southern California, he meets and falls in love with a dark debutante from Colorado. However, when an unmentioned past resurrects in her life and she leaves, Clayton is left with unanswered questions.

Clayton goes on to serve as a missionary in Africa, while he and his grandfather continue their tradition of writing letters. When Clayton returns home five years later to bury his grandfather, he searches for answers pertaining to the loss of the young woman he once loved. Little does Clayton know, the answers await him in the broken Mason jar.

A story about a girl who vanished, a former love who wrote a book about her, and a reunion they never imagined.

Written for the bruised and broken, The Mason Jar is an inspirational romance that brings hope to people who have experienced disappointment in life due to separation from loved ones. With a redemptive ending that encourages us to love again and written in the fresh, romantic tones of Nicholas Sparks, The Mason Jar interweaves the imagery of Thoreau with the adventures and climatic family struggles common to Dances with Wolves, A River Runs Through It, and Legends of the Fall.

Purchase a copy here.

About the author:

James Russell Lingerfelt is the author of The Mason Jar and writes articles for The Huffington Post. James connects with readers at his blog, Love Story from the Male Perspective, and divides his time between Southern California and his family's ranch in Alabama.

Find James online: website, Facebook, Twitter

Find more reviews and info here.

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.

THE MASON JAR Kindle Fire Giveaway from @JRLingerfelt!

No compensation was received for this post. I received this information as a participant in the Litfuse Blogger Program.
James Russell Lingerfelt's debut novel, The Mason Jar, is hot-off-the-press and causing quite the buzz. It's even been optioned for a feature film and is in pre-production.

Catch the spark by entering James' Kindle Fire giveaway!


One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire
  • The Mason Jar by James Russell Lingerfelt
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on October 19th. Winner will be announced October 20th at James Russell's blog, Love Story from the Male Perspective.


No compensation was received for this post. I received this information as a participant in the Litfuse Blogger Program.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Menu Plan Monday

As much as I love the fall and the associated smells and flavors, it still is a little disappointing to have to turn on the heat the first full week of October. The temperature in the house hit 64 this weekend, so I decided it was time to at least take the chill out of the air.

Friday night we enjoyed dinner at our friend's restaurant. It was a nice time out with the kids and we all enjoyed some new foods. Saturday was supposed to be in part filled with sports, but some rain on Saturday morning washed out both soccer and baseball. A cool, wet fall morning unexpectedly at home led to much baking on my part. I started with a recipe I found on Pinterest for Pumpkin Dinner Rolls with Cinnamon Butter. The rolls are okay, but did not turn out as I would have expected based on the picture on the post. The cinnamon butter is yummy and we are enjoying it on regular toast now. Next I made a batch of Pumpkin Chip Cookies and Biscotti. I started making cookies and decided that the dough was too sticky and would be better as a batch of biscotti, so a pan in I switched gears. Then, I made some soft pretzels with some bread mix that I had on hand. My husband, who had been taking care of service for the car, enjoys the food I made but has decided that leaving me home alone with the kids on a cold, wet fall Saturday is not a good thing for his waist. We had a quiet night in and watched the movie Chef.

Sunday, it was cold, but we resumed sports and did our best to keep warm at baseball and soccer - both were wins. Sunday evening, we tried something new - Chicken and Waffles - and to mix it up a bit more, we made the waffles with the chicken inside. It was a hit with the family.

We have a reasonably quiet week ahead and have some familiar favorites filling our menu this week.

Chicken and Waffles


Spaghetti with Meat Sauce

Skyline Chili

Pork Chops with Provolone, Prosciutto and Peppers



Now that the kids are back to school, breakfast will be cereal, oatmeal or toast most mornings and lunch will be a mix of the hot plate lunch at school or a packed lunch from home. My husband and I will stick with our standard routines. I do hope to get back to packing more. I seem to eat better when I pack, plus I am hopeful that it leaves me some time to walk at lunch.

This post shared on Menu Plan Monday.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Better Breakfast Month #Hormel

*information for this post was in part supplied by Hormel Foods through their Hormel Extended Family Blogger program. No compensation was received for this post.
Did you know that September is Better Breakfast Month? I was not aware, but curiously, we had a conversation at lunch today about all of the National 'this' Day and National 'that' Day and who is it that determines these things. So, when I learned that it was Better Breakfast Month, it only made sense that I do a checking to see who declared it. You know what? I found lots of articles and posts, but none seemed to cite where it originated.

I have always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. One article I found, shared about a report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee 2010 Study, that showed that children who eat breakfast perform better academically in school, behave better in school, have a more positive attitude toward school and are more likely to stay alert. I imagine, that good for you doesn't just apply to kids but is good for adults too.

Admittedly, breakfast is one of my favorite meals. So much so that we often enjoy breakfast for dinner. (although, I'm sure Better Breakfast Month is more about the time of day than the food.) Pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage are all dinner time favorites. We've even been known to enjoy a bowl of cereal or oatmeal at dinner too (especially on hectic nights).

So back to the breakfast day part, not just the food...

When I was younger (before I had children), I had a routine in the morning that involved a bowl of cereal and the morning news before heading out to work. Now that I am older (have children), it seems that I am squeezing so much into the morning (workouts, dishes, laundry), that breakfast is usually eaten in stages and frequently on the go or at work for me. Typically, my breakfast will consist of a protein bar or shake or a bowl of oatmeal and a banana. I used to rely on overnight oatmeal or a packet of oatmeal, but having tried a Hormel Compleats Good Mornings Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal a while back, it has become a regular option for a warm, hearty breakfast that I can enjoy at home or work.
(My family also enjoys the Hormel Compleats Sausage Gravy & Roasted Potatoes, as well.) For the kids, I make sure that they have breakfast before I head out the door for work. Most mornings, their breakfast is cereal or oatmeal.

What is your favorite breakfast? Do you eat breakfast type foods for lunch or dinner?

No compensation was received for this post. All opinions expressed are mine or those of my family. I am completing this post as a participant in the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger program. Hormel Foods provided some product and some of the information for this post.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Joyful by Shelley Shepard Gray

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me. 
I have been very fortunate to have some free time lately to be able to spend time reading. There is something that is so relaxing about reading. Now that the kids are back to school, I am able to find time to read in the evening.
Most recently, I finished reading Joyful by Shelley Shepard Gray. This is the third book in her Return to Sugarcreek Series. As with the last book, it was nice to be able not only to explore the story of the two main characters, Randall Beiler and Elizabeth Nolt, but also to spend some time catching up with Judith and Ben and their foster child James and the other characters that were included in the first two books. But don't worry, there is no requirement to have read the first two to be able to enjoy this story.

There is something so appealing about the characters that Gray develops. As I read the book, I couldn't help but feel a connection to them, to want to influence the situations in their favor. The strength of the bonds that they share with their family is something that I admire. Having come from a large extended family, I love spending time with family and love to see that in the book.

The themes of love, loss, self discovery, and celebration are universal, the fact that the characters are Amish seemed to be more of a backdrop or setting for the story than something that was a focus.

If you enjoy a good romance, then you will enjoy this book.


by Shelley Shepard Gray
Avon Inspire
Amish Fiction

A young Amish couple gets a second chance at love in New York Times bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray's final book in her Return to Sugarcreek series.

Randall Beiler is doing his best to put his family and the farm's needs first, even forsaking love. But though he tries, Randall knows he needs help caring for his younger siblings and keeping the house together.

When his brother offers pretty Elizabeth Nolt a job taking care of the house and cooking for the family, Randall is furious---and guilty about the way he once broke Elizabeth's heart. But when he learns that Elizabeth and her grandmother are struggling to make ends meet, he knows the offer, no matter how painful, is the right thing for everyone.

Elizabeth wants to refuse---to stay far away from the man who hurt her---but she needs the money. Though she vows to protect her heart, spending time in the Beiler household makes Elizabeth realize that, while she's older and wiser, her love for Randall still burns strong.

Randal, too, seems to want something more. But does he want Elizabeth because he truly loves her---or because he needs a housekeeper? If Randall sincerely wants something more, he must find a way to show Elizabeth---or risk losing his chance at love forever.

Meet the Author
Shelley Shepard Gray is a two-time New York Times bestseller, a two-time USA Today bestseller, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time Holt Medallion winner. She lives in Southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town's bike trail.

You can find her on Facebook and she has a website.

Find more reviews and info here.

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Christmas at Rose Hill Farm by Suzanne Woods Fisher

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me. 
The weather here has been a little cooler than normal for this time of year, but when I picked up Christmas at Rose Hill Farm and started to read it, it felt a little strange to think about reading a Christmas story in September. I was glad as I started to read to learn that Christmas was part of the setting, and not part of the story.

Christmas at Rose Hill Farm was the first book that I read by Suzanne Woods Fisher and I found it very enjoyable. She does a good job of developing the lead characters, providing some other characters to provide some additional color on why the lead characters are who they are. I liked how she pulled in the back story in bits to help the reader understand some of the motives and actions and allowing the story to continue to advance in an uninterrupted style.

As with many of the Amish books that I have read, I really felt like the fact that the characters were Amish was just a part of the setting and that the story itself was very universal and could happen with any community. The characters faced many of the dilemmas that we all face - drawing conclusions from incomplete information, running from rather than facing your fears, finding it in your heart to forgive those you love most, and recognizing the guidance and protection your faith can provide if you turn to it in times of need.

She has a few series already published and based on this book, I would love to read a few of her other works.

About the book:

Bess Riehl is preparing Rose Hill Farm for her Christmas wedding, but her groom isn't who she thought it would be. Billy Lapp is far away from his Amish roots working as a rose rustler for Penn State and wants nothing to do with Stoney Ridge, his family, or Bess. And that suits Bess just fine. Why should she think twice about a man who left without a word, without any explanation? It's time she moved on with her life, and that meant saying yes to Amos Lapp, Billy's cousin and best friend. But as Bess and Amos's wedding day draws near, her emotions tangle into a tight knot. She loves Amos. Yet she can't forget Billy.

When a "lost" rose is discovered at Rose Hill Farm, Billy is sent to track down its origins. Get in, identify the rose, and get out. That's his plan. The only catch is that he's having a hard time narrowing down the identity of the lost rose, and he can't get those tropical blue eyes of Bess Riehl out of his mind.

As the history of the lost rose is pieced together, it reminds Bess and Billy---and Amos, too---that Christmas truly is the season of miracles.

"Filled with heart-twisting moments amid the sweet anticipation of love, this story will charm readers into the holiday spirit."

Purchase a copy of the book here.

About the author:
Suzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling author of the Inn at Eagle Hill series, Lancaster County Secrets series, and the Stoney Ridge Seasons series, as well as nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace. She is also the coauthor of a new Amish children's series, The Adventures of Lily Lapp. Her interest in the Anabaptist cultures can be directly traced to her grandfather, who was raised in the Old Order German Baptist Brethren Church in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Suzanne is a Carol Award winner and a Christy Award finalist. She is a columnist for Christian Post and Cooking & Such magazines. She lives in California.

Download Suzanne's free app!

Find Suzanne online: website, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest

Read more reviews on the blog tour page for Christmas at Rose Hill Farm.

No compensation was received for this review. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family. A complimentary review copy was provided to me.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Shelley Shepard Gray is heading back to Sugarcreek in JOYFUL! {Book giveaway.}

No compensation was received for this post. I received this information as a participant in the Litfuse Blogger Program.

Don't miss Shelley Shepard Gray's newest book in the Return to Sugarcreek series, Joyful. USA Today raved: "A sweet, straightforward story about how love can be tested by family, faith, and personal insecurity. Enjoyable and heartwarming."

Click the banner for a chance to win books 1-3 in Shelley's Return to Sugarcreek series! 

Winner announced on Shelley's blog on 9/30.


No compensation was received for this post. I received this information as a participant in the Litfuse Blogger Program.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

CHRISTMAS AT ROSE HILL FARM iPad Bundle Giveaway & sign up to host a Book Club Brunch!

No compensation was received for this post. I received this information as a participant in the Litfuse Blogger Program.

Join best-selling, award-winning author Suzanne Woods Fisher for an Amish Christmas to remember. Filled with heart-twisting moments amid the sweet anticipation of love, Christmas at Rose Hill Farm will charm readers into the holiday spirit.

Suzanne is hosting a "Christmas Rose" iPad bundle giveaway and a nation-wide Christmas at Rose Hill Farm Book Club Brunch in November. Enter the giveaway below and sign up to host a brunch HERE.

TWO grand prize winners will receive:

  • An iPad
  • A Rose-patterned iPad case
  • A Rose-patterned phone case (for any model phone)
  • A Christmas wreath
  • A set of Christmas hand-towels
  • Christmas at Rose Hill Farm by Suzanne Woods Fisher
Five second place winners will receive:

  • Christmas at Rose Hill Farm by Suzanne Woods Fisher
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on September 28th. All winners will be announced September 29th at Suzanne's blog.

rosehill-brunchbuttonHost a Christmas at Rose Hill Farm Book Club Brunch! This fall Suzanne is inviting book clubs across the nation to throw a Christmas at Rose Hill Farm Book Club Brunch. Sign up here between now and September 29. If you’re selected as one of the 50 hosts, you’ll receive a copy of the book plus two other Revell titles (give them away as party prizes or door prizes or keep them for yourself), a complete party kit, and a discount code to purchase copies of Christmas at Rose Hill Farm for your book club at a discount. Suzanne is also encouraging each book club brunch to collect non-perishable items for their local community shelter. She will be making a donation to her favorite charity (helping abused women and children) for every brunch that meets their goal. Click here for more details and to SIGN UP!

Don't miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit Suzanne's blog on the 29th to see if you won one of the great prizes! (Or better yet, subscribe to her blog and have the winner announcement delivered to your inbox!)

No compensation was received for this post. I received this information as a participant in the Litfuse Blogger Program.

Train - Bulletproof Picasso Review #Bulletproof Picasso #O2O

No compensation was received for this post. I participated in the Train Bulletproof Picasso album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided a free album to review but all opinions are my own.

The Grammy award winning band Train is releasing their 7th album, Bulletproof Picasso on September 16th.

This San Francisco based group is best know for hits like "Hey Soul Sister" and "Drops of Jupiter". And you may have already heard the first single from the new album, "Angel in Blue Jeans", on the radio.

I have had the opportunity to listen to a review copy of the album over the past week. I already was familiar with Angel in Blue Jeans (didn't know I was familiar until the first time through the album) and have really enjoyed listening to the album. I find that several of the tracks are very catchy and I find myself singing and dancing along in the car (the dancing is somewhat subdued, as I am buckled in and driving - maybe more of a steering wheel tapping).

The other day, my son had been riding in my car and I had on the album. Then later we went out in my husband's car and we put on the album so that my husband could check it out. When the song came on that had been playing in my car earlier, my son remarked I know this song. Of course, since it wasn't the first single, it helped confirm just how catchy the songs were.

I think my four favorite tunes (in no particular order) are - Bulletproof Picasso, Angel in Blue Jeans, Wonder What You're Doing For The Rest Of Your Life and Just A Memory.

Tracklisting for Bulletproof Picasso:
1. Cadillac, Cadillac
2. Bulletproof Picasso
3. Angel In Blue Jeans
4. Give It All
5. Wonder What You're Doing For The Rest Of Your Life
6. Son Of A Prison Guard
7. Just A Memory
8. I'm Drinkin' Tonight
9. I Will Remember
10. The Bridge
11. Baby, Happy Birthday
12. Don't Grow Up So Fast

You can preorder your copy on iTunes and Amazon.

You can also find Train here:
* Official Train Website
* Twitter
* YouTube
* Facebook

No compensation was received for this post. I participated in the Train Bulletproof Picasso album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided a free album to review but all opinions are my own.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Menu Plan Monday

This past weekend was a nice one. Again, there wasn't anything of note that was planned or completed, it just was a nice weekend. We had two soccer games and that was about it. My husband joined some friends at a concert on Saturday night (sitter wasn't available to allow me to go), so I had the chance to hang out with the kids and watch Mighty Ducks and Mighty Ducks 2 (we completed the trilogy on Sunday) and then after they went to bed, I watched Ever After.

This week is a minimally busy week which gave me a nice flexibility to the schedule. This weekend we are joining some friends for dinner, as all four of us have September birthdays and decided we should celebrate them.

cereal and toast
Cincinnati (Skyline) Chili

leftover chili

Homemade Pizza

Pierogie and Eggs

Chicken Fried Steak

Chicken Cheese Steak

Mexican with friends

Now that the kids are back to school, breakfast will be cereal, oatmeal or toast most mornings and lunch will be a mix of the hot plate lunch at school or a packed lunch from home. My husband and I will stick with our standard routines. I do hope to get back to packing more. I seem to eat better when I pack, plus I am hopeful that it leaves me some time to walk at lunch.

This post shared on Menu Plan Monday.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Echoes of Mercy by Kim Vogel Sawyer

No compensation was received for this post. A review copy was provided for me to read and share my thoughts. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family.

Recognizing of course that life was a lot harder back in the early 1900s, I find that there is something about this period in time that seems so appealing to me. Perhaps it was the simplicity of the times. Perhaps it was the reliance and closeness that resulted for families. Perhaps it was all that they accomplished without so many of our modern conveniences. Whatever the reason, I have always enjoyed reading books and watching television shows and movies set in that era. As a child, it led me to read the Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables series. As I grew older, it is what piqued my interest in the Amish and Mennonites, groups that were living the simplicity of that era in a modern time. Or, perhaps it was my enjoyment of Little House and Anne of Green Gables that resulted in that era being so appealing to me.

Recently, I had the chance to read Echoes of Mercy by Kim Vogel Sawyer. The book is set in Kansas in the fall of 1904. Caroline goes undercover as a laborer at Dinsmore Chocolate Facotry in Sinclair, Kansas to investigate a suspicious accident and to find out about how they treat child workers. She had a rough childhood, so she is particularly compassionate about children being allowed to pursue education and be kids. As she applies for the role, she meets a young girl whose father is forcing her to find a job. She offers to help and forms a connection with Letta and eventually her family. She also meets and finds herself falling for Ollie Moore, who is also working undercover at the factory.

I enjoyed reading the story and getting to know Carrie, Ollie, Letta and the other characters in the story. By alternating the vantage point of the story, the author was able to develop the characters by both sharing their own thoughts and observations and by sharing the thoughts and observations of the others. I like that this approach to the storyline allows the reader to really get to know the characters and their history, in a short time frame.

The book drew me in and kept me wanting to continue to read, even when it was time to go to sleep or put dinner on the table. I found myself wanting to find out how the relationships would evolve and if/how each characters secrets would be revealed to the others.

This was the second book that I read by Kim Vogel Sawyer, and I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.

About This Book

Sometimes a secret must be kept for the truth to be revealed.

When a suspicious accident occurs at the famous Dinsmore Chocolate Factory in Sinclair, Kansas, Caroline Lang goes undercover as a factory worker to investigate the circumstances surrounding the event and how the factory treats its youngest employees—the child workers. Caroline’s fervent faith, her difficult childhood, and compassionate heart drove her to her job as an investigator for the Labor Commission and she is compelled to see children freed from such heavy adult responsibilities, to allow them to pursue an education.

Oliver Dinsmore, heir to the Dinsmore candy dynasty, has his own investigation to conduct. Posing as a common worker known as “Ollie Moore,” he aims to find out all he can about the family business before he takes over for his father. Caroline and Oliver become fast friends, but tension mounts when the two find themselves at odds about the roles of child workers. Hiding their identities becomes even more difficult when fate brings them together over three children in desperate need. When all is revealed, will the truth destroy the love starting to grow between them?

Author's Website
More Info
Author Bio

You can read the first chapter here.

No compensation was received for this post. A review copy was provided for me to read and share my thoughts. All opinions expressed are my own or that of my family.