With the weather we have been having in northeast Ohio, I must say that I am definitely in the mood. We had our first notable snow fall over a week ago - certainly nothing like Buffalo saw, but snow and cold.
Then, of course, with a white Thanksgiving and Black Friday now underway, it continues to put me into the holiday mode.

I don't have a set list of specific items, but more so some thoughts on types of gifts that have served us well over the years. Gifts that the kids come back to over and over again and those that we get the most feedback on. Hopefully, if you are stuck with what to get someone on your list, some of the ideas that I share will help you come up with some ideas. The link will take you back to posts that I have done over the years at the holidays...and yes, it is likely that many of them will overlap - perhaps that is just further evidence that they have stood the test of time that I still consider them a good idea.
I don't have many, but there are a giveaway or two that will be coming up during the series too.
Um, it would be for me!
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