What a great weekend (mostly)! The weather was very unseasonable, with highs in the mid-70s, it felt more like May than March. Perhaps it has been the unseasonably warm weather, or perhaps it's just a desire to finish what we started, but lately we have been on a clean out, reorganize, refresh, redecorate sort of mode at our house. We accomplished a lot this weekend (up until we didn't). We have now cleaned out and reorganized our two linen closets and under the sink in our half bath; rearranged things in the basement to move my daughter's doll house from the dining room to the play room; we have pulled out old clothes that don't fit, to make room for clothes that are the right size; we have cleaned out and reorganized the pantry (inspired a batch of super yummy cookies); we cleaned out and reorganized by adding new organizational tools to the garage; we have redecorated the half bath - with a new color on the walls, a new light fixture and an abandoned attempt to change out the mirror and we've thoroughly cleaned the grout in the kitchen/foyer making the rooms feel brighter and larger. I hope to share some of all this including pictures.
Saturday afternoon the kids had a friend over to play. They spent the afternoon playing outside, although at one point they wanted to come inside to play. I suggested (told them) that they should enjoy the unseasonable weather, because when it was cold or rainy, they would be upset that they couldn't play outside. We enjoyed a late dinner out at Chipotle, arriving about 30 seconds before a busload of people coming home from an indoor track and field event. I would never have expected a line out the door at Chipotle at 8 pm (especially on St. Patrick's Day). We enjoyed a Shamrock Shake and then headed home. Sunday, the kids got a chance to play outside again. We even took a walk in the late afternoon to enjoy the weather. Just about the time that we headed to our friends house for Bible Study, the rain started. I was glad that it had waited until after we had a chance to fully enjoy the weekend before it started.
We really were getting a lot done, and I had more that I planned to do when we got home from Bible Study, but after my daughter fell off of a couch and into a coffee table at our friend's house, our Sunday evening was spent in the ER, waiting to get stitches. She actually wound up getting staples which is sort of strange sounding. The three shiny staples are very easy to see in her hair, making it easier for me to put on some antibiotic cream and to make sure that I don't brush over her boo-boo. She was a trooper. I think that my son was more bothered by the whole thing than she was. She came upstairs calmly, he was upset that she was bleeding. He went home with friends, so he didn't have to hang out in the ER and when we picked him up, he was afraid to give her a hug goodnight. We lost about 3 hours sitting in the ER for a procedure that amounted to 20 minutes of applying a topical numbing solution (which was 1 minute of a nurse putting it on a cotton ball and 20 minutes of me holding it there), 2 minutes of cleaning the wound and 15 seconds of inserting staples. I get the need to address critical injuries/illnesses first, and I get the first come, first served thing, but it feels like someone could have stopped in for two minutes to give us the numbing solution, and left. Then, the next person could have come in and cleaned it and applied staples and been done. We could have been in and out, allowing them to better serve those that had to wait - a broken foot (has to have x-rays taken and read), etc. and freeing up a room. It just seemed so inefficient to have us sit there for two hours before we saw the nurse and doctor (other than the observation, ice pack providing, etc. that happened at triage) for something that took them each only a few minutes of active time to accomplish.
I just am thankful that she is okay. It was frustrating, but in the end, the important thing is that she is okay. She is sad that she has to miss swimming lessons, but to me that is a minor thing.
No trip to the grocery store this weekend. We were too busy doing other things, so the menu is planned from products on hand.
Canned pasta/hot dogs
Breakfast for Dinner
Chicken Bruschetta
Tilapia Vera Cruz
Breakfast is cereal or oatmeal each morning, although sometimes at school my daughter will have pancakes or french toast. For my son, lunch is either the menu item at school or a packed lunch with some type of sandwich. Lunch for my husband and me is typically sandwiches, frozen meals or leftovers.
This post shared at Menu Plan Monday.
Instant Pot Christmas Roast
7 years ago
I'm glad your dd is okay.
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