Over the next few weeks, I would like to share with you some ideas that might inspire you as you start your Christmas shopping this year. I'm not an expert, but I am a mom. My goal is to share with you things that I feel have given us the best value and most enjoyment.
My plan is to share ideas for gifts for children that (at least in my opinion):
Foster Imagination
Stimulate Creativity
Challenge their Problem Solving
Stretch their Minds
Feel free to share your own ideas in the comments.
In addition to gift ideas for children, I will also share some gift ideas for others in your life.
There will be a Holiday Gift Guide link in the side bar. You will notice that it still links to last year's suggestions, please note that some of them had giveaways associated and that those are obviously closed. Hopefully, the things that I have identified are toys that stand the test of time (they have for us), so last year's suggestions are still very valid.
I'm looking forward to your gift ideas as I don't have much of an imagination and I dread that someone doesn't like my present, as I feel it's then a waste of money.
All I can think of now is to get Tracfone phone's for the family as they are cheap and they have qwerty keyboard and touch screen phones and the phone cards start at $9.99 for 30 minutes. Tracfone's phones start at $10 and you can get free phone cards, free double or triple minutes for life with certain phones and what's great is that buying Tracfone phones on line gets you free delivery to your door.
Looking forward to reading more of your blogs.
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