On Monday at lunch, I walked to the library and on the way back, stopped in at CVS. I didn't have my wallet with me, but figured I would see if the magic coupon machine had anything new to offer. It did! I got a coupon for $3/2 Scuunci items, which I knew were on sale buy one get one. I love their No-Slip Grip pony tail holders, so I knew I couldn't let this one pass me by, but I had no cash. Rain on Tuesday kept me from walking by at lunch, but I was able to make a quick stop after work.
1 - Scunci "Evolution" No Slip Grip Pony Tail Holders
1 - Scunci No Slip Grip Pony Tail Holders
-$3 $3/2 CRT
Total $.69 + tax. I paid with cash and earned $1 ECB for the green bag tag. I also was able to print out a $5 Beauty Club ECB yesterday from the computer. So, I am well poised with $14 in ECBs to take in on Thursday to CVS to take advantage of their FREE (and near FREE) offers that they have on Thanksgiving. Starting with a good amount makes it easier to build a couple of larger transactions rather than having to do lots of little ones to minimize OOP.
Instant Pot Christmas Roast
7 years ago
Really wish I knew what any of the abbreviations meant, but sounds like you got a good deal, so congratulations!
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