Monday, November 29, 2010

Mamavation Monday

Yahoo! Last week was Thanksgiving and I had a really great week! I managed to stick to my exercise plan for the first part of the week, but not so well at the end of the week - I find that it's really hard when I have a day off to exercise (or when I get up at 3 am to hit the Black Friday sales - then I was just too tired to think about exercising, certainly shivering in line burned some calories?). As for eating, I did a little bit of splurging, having homemade bread and apple pie on Thanksgiving and snacking on that homemade bread over the course of the weekend. We had pepperoni, cheese, crackers and wine one evening as we played darts. But, in the end, the week was a success. I lost 2.2 # last week. I am really excited about that.

Today, when I logged into my Weight Watchers eTools, I started to learn more about their new Points Plus program. I have a lot to learn (and plan to share more with you) about the program, but from what I can gather, the new Points Plus are calculated based not only on the calories, but on where the calories come from. It considers the fat, carbohydrates, fiber and protein of the foods that you are eating to calculate the Points Plus. From what I read, the goal is to move from simply calorie counting to encouraging you to make better food choices. Many fruits and vegetables are worth 0 on the Points Plus program. Many foods values have gone up, but so has the daily and weekly allowance. I also was contacted today about being an Ambassador for this new program and look forward to the opportunity to share my experience and learnings with you.

From an exercise perspective, I have been doing my best to strive for 10,000 steps a day, but have not been able to get there every day. Today, I started the recovery week for Phase I of P90X. I will try to do my walking and Ab Ripper workouts in the evening, but will tell you that it didn't happen tonight.

Here's looking forward to another great week!

This post shared at Mamavation Monday. As an aside, this post on Mamavation is one worth checking out - 'Do You Have Twitter Butt?' - it is a video post.

No compensation was received for this post. I have been invited to become an ambassador (an Insider) for the new Weight Watchers Points Plus program and will be receiving tools to help me succeed and share my experience.


MNMSpecial said... 1

Very cool to be offered that position. I can't wait to find out more about the new WW system.

kia said... 2

Nice job on your 2.2 last week while still living life.

Anonymous said... 3

I love that you still lost even with a few indulgences! Congratulations!

Lorrie said... 4

I'm glad you had an awesome week and that you found a program that works for you. I've tried different things but haven't found something to work for me yet. or even when I do my tough part is follow through sure I'll stick with something for awhile then i get forgetful or tired of it.

hope you can meet your goals this week

~Lori~ said... 5

Great job on your loss, even with some fun in the mix! Looking forward to hearing about the new WW plan!

Anonymous said... 6

What a great week! fun, family and LOSS! I'm looking forward to your posts about WW - it's surprisingly the ONE plan I don't know much about LOL!