Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mamavation Monday

I did it! I not only completed the first 8 days of the 30 Day Shred Challenge, but I also completed P90X. It was difficult and there were some days where I had to cut the P90X work out a little bit short or do a portion later, but I did it.

The Level 1 workout on the 30 Day Shred was a lot more difficult than I remembered. It took me a couple of days to be fully coordinated at it. Those compound moves may be great for the body, but they are hard for the uncoordinated. I did love that the workout goes so quickly. I would find myself struggling through the first circuit cardio, but before I knew it, I was done with the second circuit strength and the workout was half over.

As for P90X, the one thing that still disappoints me is that even though I am lighter than when I started it the first time, I still don't feel light on my feet. I watch all of them as they turn on Kempo through that section where you do the different punch sequences with a foot switch after each - they seem to float from one to the other, whereas I land like an elephant. I would like to be lighter on my feet - maybe it really is a question of coordination, again, it's asking me to move two things at the same time.

My eating was pretty okay last week, until it wasn't. The first part of the week went well, then I had four days in a row of catered lunches and dining out. I made reasonable choices, but let's be honest, even the best choice isn't as good as having complete control over what you are eating. It also didn't help that for my husband's birthday I made an Oreo Cheesecake - yum! I also splurged end of week by splitting a bottle of wine with a friend when she came to visit. I don't regret anything I did, it just delayed my progress.

Yesterday I moved on to Level 2 on the 30 Day Shred. Again, I might need a day or two to figure it out and get on the rhythm. Since I work out early in the morning, I have the volume down significantly and sometimes miss the cue to move from one exercise to the next. So far, I like the second workout, but I have a question. It seems that you work a slightly different set of muscles (or maybe you are working the same ones in a different way?), which might be fine for a little while, but shouldn't I be rotating through the workouts regularly to work out everything?

I've also found that with the 30 Day Shred being just under 30 minutes, that I feel like I need more. I have been adding the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVD that I got from Kozy Shack through a mail in offer a while back. I like that in 25 minutes, I can get in 2 miles of walking without leaving my living room. I think I would like to check out her other DVDs, especially the one that the second mile comes from. I also think I might try to work in some Ab Ripper X after the 30 Day Shred some days - we will see, that is the one workout that I still neglect when I do P90X, because I don't have the extra time. I am getting Abs in the 30 Day Shred and don't want to overdo it.

Eating right has started better this week and there are only two dining out/catered lunches this week, so that should be an improvement itself.

This post shared at Mamavation Monday, which is sponsored this week by Subway. This post linked up to the 30 Day Shred Challenge linky.

No compensation was received for this post, but by mentioning Subway and linking back to Mamvation Monday I am entering for a chance to win Subway gift cards.


Danise said... 1

Wow!!! You have been working hard! Good for you! Keep it up :)

Resa said... 2

WOO! That's some seriously good work - P90X scares me crapless!! Haha, congrats and keep it up!

Joanna said... 3

Congratulations for finishing P90X! That is so awesome! You are such a rockstar mama!

I felt the same way when going back to the 30 Day Shred after doing other stuff in between, and I think the problem with Kempo is probably the uncoordination because I have the same issue LOL! I totally know what you are talking about :-) I also like to add Leslie's walking videos after 30 Day Shred - great minds really must think alike! :-)

I'm glad to hear that you are doing well, and I hope you have a fantastic week this week! I'm looking forward to tweeting with you!

Joanna aka @way2gomom

Steph-Fit Mom in Training said... 4

Fantastic job on the P90X and now the shred! I have total lead feet too. It's totally coordination with me, I'm incredibly challenged in that department :)

Anonymous said... 5

Holy cow that's some serious work out! p90X scares the bee-gees outta me and I've been too chicken to even try it! HUGE KUDOS to you!!!

Carrie said... 6

Wow you are doing great! It takes me some time as well to get some routines down.

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said... 7

WOW! way to work it in. Make that program work for you. Just as long as you get it in. Baby steps lead to big steps!