
Monday, June 21, 2010

Mamavation Monday

I am starting to feel like I write the same post every Monday. Another week, still on my plateau. I always feel like I know the reason for the plateau, but it still is a plateau - even some progress would make me feel good.

This week, it was eating away from home all weekend that made for a plateau - I legitimately think I could have had a loss if not for the weekend. Friday night, my husband had seen rice or something in a magazine and got a hankering for Japanese steak house food, so we decided to pull our dinner plans and head out for dinner to a local Japanese steak house. Saturday we spent the day at Cedar Point. We started with a quick lunch at Wendy's on the way into the park and then ate dinner at the park (at least there was lots of walking and we drank lots of water to stay hydrated on a very hot day!). Sunday was Father's Day and my husband wanted some pasta, so we planned dinner at the Macaroni Grill, but before that we took in a matinee show of Toy Story 3, which included soda and popcorn. Any one of these on their own would have been manageable and not enough to impede progress, but filling a weekend with this much eating away from home was asking for a gain or a plateau - I guess in reflection, I am glad it was not a gain.

It's time to move off of this plateau. I am determined that by the end of summer, I will lose the remaining weight that I have wanted to lose. This morning, I kicked off my third time for P90X. That will take 90 days or 13 weeks for me to complete. I hope that by continuing to follow Weight Watchers and working out daily in P90X fashion that I will be successful in my goal of losing 13# by the end of summer. I know that I will need to try to fit in more walks at lunch to help ensure my success.

Just about 1# per week is what it will take for me to reach my goal. I think know I can do it. I will continue to post about my progress here to help keep myself accountable. I will continue to attend Weight Watchers with my friends which will also help me stay focused (I want to share in their successes and have my own). I will use the eTools tracker to help me keep track of what I am eating. With all these tools in place - I can lose!

This post shared at Mamavation Monday.


  1. Keep up w/it & you can absolutely do it!! Don't give up! Just think, you'd probably have been down in weight if you'd have skipped some of the yumminess! Next time you go to the movies, you can bring your own snacks & have water. I know it's easier said than done, but YOU CAN DO IT! *hugs*

  2. I just started P90X for the first time, so let's do it together. Glad to have another Mamavation gal doing the P90X.

  3. P.S. This is really your THIRD TIME?! Wowza!

  4. Keep your head up and those goals will always be in your sights! You can do this!
