The arrival of Memorial Day and the start of June are a sure sign that it is summer. Time for shorts and swim suits. I am a little disappointed to say that I have not achieved the goal that I set for myself with weight loss - I am still the same 13.5# away from that goal that I have been for about 3 months now. I see it as a good news/bad news scenario.
The good news is that even when life has gotten in the way and I have lost my focus on my diet and exercise, I have been able to maintain. This tells me that I have made some positive lifestyle changes in my life that are so much a part of my life that I don't have to think about them it just happens. I know that this is in large part what Weight Watchers teaches - you aren't on a diet, you are changing your lifestyle. It is very reassuring to me that even without thinking about it, the things that I have learned on Weight Watchers have made a positive influence in my life. I've also learned that even though an extremely busy week might set me off course, a return to normal brings me right back to where I was. This helps me realize that even if I get off track, I shouldn't give up and over do it even more - which is something I have been guilty of in the past. In addition, it is also good that I have maintained my work out routine. I am still getting up every work day and exercising. Even when I have overslept slightly, I get up and do as much as I can, which is a huge change for me. It used to be an "all or nothing" approach - which is probably in part, why I haven't been able to maintain a regular work out routine previously.
The bad news is I am frustrated. I am very happy to have lost what I have, but I want to reach my goal. I had a friend say that perhaps this is where I am meant to be - after all, I have been here for 3 months. I'm not sure I'm ready to accept this. I would like to show myself that if I set my mind to it, I can do it.
With my schedule, I did miss a few Weight Watcher meetings and some only made it to weigh in, but I am turning over a new leaf. I had some friends decide to join the class that I have been attending. This is great - it gives me another layer of accountability. I also stopped sharing my journey on this blog. Again, this loss of accountability has allowed me to perhaps be a little more lax than I would have been if I knew I had to share it here. So, I am planning to return to regular posting - not sure if it will be Mamavation Monday, Fat Burnin' Friday, or Weighing In Wednesday - or a mix of them all, but I plan to post regularly about my journey to once again provide encouragement and accountability.
So, here we are, 13.5# to go. I would like to reach my goal by the end of summer (or sooner!). Won't you join me on my journey?
This post shared at Mamavation Monday.
Instant Pot Christmas Roast
7 years ago
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