Our grocery store used to offer a bag credit for every reusable bag that we used. When they did this, I started small purchasing one bag and over time, purchased additional bags and now I have a collection of reusable bags. The program paid for the bags over time. Now, they have focused their "green" dollars for a different program, but they still encourage the use of reusable bags - there are signs posted in their parking lot and as you enter the store, reminding you to grab your reusable bag. I now have a collection of bags though and by using them at the grocery store each week, I help reduce waste, by not using paper or plastic. In addition, when I use them at CVS and Target, not only do I reduce waste, but I also save money with the Green Bag Tag at CVS and with the bag credit at Target. Over time, this one small act that helps reduce waste, has saved me a good amount of money as well. Another green change that we recently made is the switch to cloth napkins. Small changes can make the difference - both to the environment and to your wallet.
Last week, marked the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Cascadian Farm wants you to join the celebration by pledging to follow a few eco-friendly tips on Facebook. Choose from eight different pledges, ranging from reusing clothes to reducing your speed while driving on the highway, and find the one that fits your lifestyle. For each person that signs a pledge now through May 31, 2010, Cascadian Farm will donate $1, up to $40,000, to the Organic Farming Research Foundation, which fosters the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems. I pledged to be a food planner — “more than 25% of prepared food is thrown away in the U.S.”. Crazy — and unfortunately I can say that I’ve had to throw things away before due to expiration. What will you pledge?
Dedicated to organic goodness since 1972, Cascadian Farm products are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers or genetically engineered ingredients. We really enjoy their cereal and granola bars. I like that they have some unique varieties - like Vanilla Almond Crunch Cereal and the Blueberry Pomegranate Chewy Granola Bars. This week, my kids have been enjoying the Cinnamon Crunch Cereal.
Another thing I like is that I usually have a coupon for their products. In fact, you can visit CascadianFarm.com to learn more and download a $1.00/1 printable coupon.
Courtesy of Cascadian Farms and MyBlogSpark, I have the opportunity to give away one Live Green Together Prize Pack which includes: Cascadian Farm cereals and granola bars - Fruitful O’s cereal, Cinnamon Crunch cereal, Chocolate Chip Chewy granola bars, Dark Chocolate Almond Granola, Dark Chocolate Almond granola bars, Oats & Honey granola, and an eco-friendly grocery bag.

How to enter: Leave a comment sharing what step(s) you have or plan to take to live greener.
Additional Entries - Please leave a separate comment for each addition entry!:
1. Take the Live Green Together Pledge on Cascadian Farm’s Facebook page . Leave a comment sharing which of the 8 pledges you chose.
2. Subscribe to A Busy Mom of Two via RSS or email.
3. Follow me on Twitter AND tweet about this giveaway. Leave a comment with a link to your tweet. This entry can be done daily.
4. Blog about this giveaway. Leave a comment with a link to your post.
5. Promote this giveaway another way, like Facebook. Leave a comment letting me know how you promoted this giveaway.
6. Add my button to your blog. (It’s on my sidebar to the right.)
This contest will remain open until May 10th at 6 pm. Winner will be selected using a random number generator. The winner will be contacted by e-mail (be sure to leave one!) and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.
No compensation was received for this post. In addition to a Live Green Together Prize Pack for the giveaway, I received a Live Green Together Prize Pack to try for the purposes of sharing my experience.
I try to use reusable bags (especially stores that give a benefit - CVS (w/ bag tag), Target, and Kroger). I'd like to use less paper napkins too but haven't taken that step yet. :)
You're on my bloglines.
We have changed all of our light bulbs to energy savers!
deborahcraft at yahoo dot com
I have done a lot in the past year. We recycle, recycle, recycle
Old shirts become napkins and rags. We had a yard sale saturday, so stuff would stay out of landfills. We made over 200.00 and half I donated to the local shelter. We just strarted using vinegar for cleaning...trying to stay away from toxins. I use soapnuts for our laundry..they work great by the way :)
We use reusable bags as well. I keep a stack of them in the car so that there is no reason for me to forget them when we go into the store.
I have used reusable bags for a couple of years now. I like that I don't have waste and I also like that they are easier to carry in the house and that they can carry more.
sarahkayjordan@sbcglobal dot net
We do the reusable bags - we use our own water from the tap in our own water bottles - we are also just getting things together for a compost bin!!!
jpkittie315 at hotmail dot com
I try to carpool more and recycle what I can.
I use reusable bags when shopping, recycle cans,bottles..and use energy saving light bulbs.
We recycle, use reusable bags, and have recently started composting.
I love those reuseable shopping bags! I just wish they would have come out sooner. They're not just for groceries anymore :)
LKARambo at comcast dot net
Email subscriber
LKARambo at comcast dot net
LKARambo at comcast dot net
Recycle all glass and plastics and bring my own bags to the grocery store.
I recycle and I have started buying eco-friendly cleaning products.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Email subscribed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I try to reuse plastic containers and bottles.
We switched to a more water efficient washing machine & solar powered water heater. :)
We have low flow water shower heads installed to conservewater, changed all of our light bulbs to more energy efficient ones and I only wash my laundry at night and in cold water.
I took the pledge to Slow The Flow.
I am a subscriber by email.
I use public transit and am starting to make strides in using reusable bags.
I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you on Twitter - Janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
We use reusable bags, recycle everything we can and are replacing lightbulbs with CFL bulbs as they burn out.
hardms3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I plan on taking shorter showers and unplugging stuff that is not in use!
r0b0tj03nz [at] yahoo dot com
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