One thing that I had always had trouble with when they were sick was taking their temperature. When we were pregnant with my son and did a baby registry, we had registered for an ear thermometer expecting it to make life easier than using a traditional thermometer. We used it, but I never was sure how accurate it was. It seemed that if I held the thermometer at a different angle, I would get a different result - which made me question, what angle was correct. It really only seemed to be accurate when they had an ear infection, but it didn't help much when it was the flu or other ailment that was accompanied with a fever.
I tried using a regular thermometer and taking their temperature under their arm, but usually, that would mean me holding them tight and them trying to squirm away. Since I rarely was able to hold the thermometer under their arm long enough, I was never sure that I was getting a good read. I would try to get them to hold it under their tongue, but again, they never wanted to hold it there long enough to get the temperature.
I needed something that was easy to use and could quickly get a temperature reading before they squirmed away. On a visit to the pediatrician, I noticed that they had started using a temporal scanner thermometer. I asked the nurse about it and she told me that there were similar versions available for purchase. I put it on my list of something to look for next time I was out.
When I finally tried the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer, I was very pleased with it. For one, my kids found it to be somehow "cool". Suddenly, they wanted for me to take their temperature, fever or not. I liked how simple and easy it was to use. Simply remove the clear probe cover, place the probe against your child's forehead, push down the button and while holding it down, gently sweep it along their forehead and then release the button. Simple. I could get a temperature in a matter of moments and didn't have to struggle with a child that doesn't feel well. As an added bonus, I can get a quick peace of mind before going to bed, because I can easily take their temperature, even when they are sleeping without disrupting their much needed sleep.
From a quality perspective, I feel confident that the Exergen Temporal Scanner is accurate. First, the thermometer is tested 6 times during the manufacturing process, and it comes with a 1-year warranty. But, additionally, tests show it is accurate to within +0.2 degrees F- a much more accurate reading than taking the temperature any other way.
You can learn more about the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer on their website and become a fan on Facebook.

The Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer retails for $30-$50 and is available at many retailers and on-line. You can get a $5 rebate when you purchase an Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer.
I have liked my experience with the Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer so far and have recommended it to many of my friends who are moms. I also have a few baby showers coming up and am definitely considering getting one for the moms-to-be.
Thanks to Mama Buzz and Exergen, I am able to offer a giveaway for one Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer.
To enter, leave a comment sharing what you do to make yourself or your child feel better when you/they are sick.
For Additional Entries (Leave a Separate Comment for each extra entry):
1. Subscribe to A Busy Mom of Two by e-mail or RSS feed (on my sidebar near the top). Leave me a comment letting me know that you subscribe. If you are already a subscriber, let me know that too - this isn't just for new subscribers.
2. Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about the giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your Tweet. This entry may be completed once each day.
3. Blog about this giveaway. Leave a comment with a link to your post.
4. Promote this giveaway on Facebook.
Giveaway will remain open until March 29th at 6 pm. Winner will be selected using a random number generator. The winner will be contacted by e-mail (be sure to leave one!) and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.
The opinions in this post are my own. I received no compensation for this post, but did receive a complimentary Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer for the purposes of reviewing and sharing through Mama Buzz. In addition, one Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer is being provided for the giveaway.
Chicken noodle soup always makes us feel better!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
This looks like a great product. We we are sick, nothing is better than some good old fashioned cuddling.
lawyer180 (at) yahoo (dot) com
This looks like a great product. We we are sick, nothing is better than some good old fashioned cuddling.
lawyer180 (at) yahoo (dot) com
We usually drink more Vitamin C, and I make a nice pot of Vegetable Beef Soup.
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For the kids-we let them lay on the couch and pick whatever they want to watch. Usually we take turns having the kids pick and we limit the amount but when they're sick we're more relaxed about it.
You're on my bloglines.
needanap2 at gmail dot com
We have a special tray for when they eat. We also always give them sprite or 7up as a treat since it's the only time they get soda. We've had a lot of sickness in the past month so this would have been great for that!
sarahkayjordan@sbcglobal dot net
Lots of extra hugs and kisses and letting the kids stay in their jammies usually makes them more comfortable!
jamietruwe at yahoo
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popsicles usually make an appearance, along with a movie and cuddles!!
Gingerale and crackers... it's what my mum used to give me when I was sick!
ebickell at hotmail dot com
Theraflu works wonder for me. :)
When the kids are sick , I just cuddle and give them some Motrin.
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I let my kids take a nice warm bath when they're sick.
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popsicles work wonders when your child has a fever
msboatgal at
I try to sleep as much as possible!!!
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Juice and lots of cuddles. We snuggle in bed together to rest and watch tv.
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
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coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
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coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
Chicken Noodle Soup and Gingerale.
deborahcraft at yahoo dot com
Lots of relaxing on the couch or in bed watching tv.
Email subscriber.
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For some reason, ice cream almost always helps when my kiddos are sick.
My kids love a massage when they don't feel good. I actually like that too! :-)
I hug them and pray for them. This makes us both feel better.
Chicken noodle soup and 7up and my house.
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We get the quilt, pillow, and movie and lounge on the couch.
I read to them and give them fruit popcicles.
a popsicle! yummy treat but more important it keeps them hydrated and does not bother sore throats.
sabeckstrom at yahoo dot com
Sprite usually helps....and just make sure they take their meds and are as comfortable as possible!
wendym at cableone dot net
lots of fluids and sleep!
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I make homemade chicken soup when my little girl is sick!
I give my son lots of cuddle time to make him feel better!
soncrazed ataoldotcom
I am a subscriber
soncrazed at aoldotcom
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nothing better than cuddling with my little boy and taking lots of naps with him while pumping him with some pedialite!
extra snuggles, lots of blankies and whatever they desire on tv
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Chill out and relax together-watch a good movie enjoy soup
email subscriber
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we snuggle up in bed next to the vaporizer and watch videos!
Dad sleeps in the spare room and the "sick one" gets to sleep with Mom!
gatorade and breyers all fruit ice pops are staples in our house. We also aren't above throwing the kids in the tub with some legos or littlest pet shops to get a fever down.
i try to be extra patient and make her as comfortable as possible
Premier Designs "Napoli
I give them my undivided attention. It makes them feel loved and special
Children's Tylenol, fluids and lots of cuddle time usually help both me and my girls feel better when they are sick. Great giveaway.
Chicken noodle soup.
pkildow at gmail dot com
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To help my kids feel better when they're sick, I cuddle them up with their favorite blankets and stuffed animals, and give them popsicles! -Liz,
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I usually make soup and give my grandson lots of fluids when he is sick
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