Product/Book Name: In the Land of Odds, DVD
Auto-B-Good is a five time Emmy Award winning series that can be seen on public television and all around the world. The series is based on the adventures of 9 vehicles, each with their own unique personality, who live in the City of Auto. Each episode is centered around a different Character Development Trait, such as honesty, respect, caring, fairness and many more.
There are currently six DVD’s available (Seasons one and two). Each DVD has four episodes on it.
Ages: 3-10
Price: $7.99
Put out by: Rising Star Studios
Auto-B-Good Site
I had never heard of the Land of Odds before I was contacted about reviewing it. It intrigued me though, my kids are both fans of the movie Cars, so I figured that they would both enjoy a cartoon that featured cars as characters and I liked the idea that each episode centers around one character development trait.
When the DVD first arrived, the kids were a little hesitant to watch it. After the first viewing, which consisted of only two episodes, I was a little bit disappointed that the kids weren't very excited about the show. But, I persevered and had them watch the DVD a second time. That was a good thing, this time, my son found more interest in the show and started talking about what he liked in the episodes. My daughter wasn't that enthused, but watched because her brother was watching. She is only 3 though, which is the bottom age for their recommended viewing, and in general, with the exception of Imagination Movers (most of the time), has a tendency to wander away from whatever show is on. (She has more important 3 year old things to do - which is fine by me, no need to sit there just watching TV)
I think the premise was a great one. I think that the quirky characters and the stories told certainly expressed the lesson at hand without making it feel like a lesson and in the short period of an episode. I like that there are 5 big cars (I was thinking "teenager" cars), 2 little cars and 2 older and wise cars, I think that the age range of the cars makes it easier to relate to. I also find the theme song sort of catchy (I find a lot of tunes to be catchy, as I frequently find myself singing along with even commercial jingles).
I am considering getting some additional discs for the kids to check out. I also noticed that there are some Auto-B-Good books available, which might be a great way to reinforce the lessons taught in the show.
You can preview one episode "Cooler Heads Prevail" on the YouTube link above and check it out for yourself or you can purchase a copy here.
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There was no compensation made for this post. I did receive a complimentary DVD from Rising Star Studios to share with my family for the purposes of providing my review. This was made possible through MamaBzz.
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