Between the two transactions, I spent $49.72 for $126.32 worth of groceries, a savings of 61%.
Some highlights (prices after sale and coupon):
Kraft Cheese - $1.50 each, (bummed though when I found out WM had it on rollback for $1.88 and I could have paid $1.38 each)
Solo Cups (30ct) - $.50 each
Breakstone Sour Cream 16oz - $.15 each
Colgate Kids - $.50 each
Triscuits/Wheat Thins - $.75 each
4 Ragu Pasta Sauces/4 Knorr side dishes/2 32oz Hellman's Mayo - $8.75 (and earned $5 Catalina for this)
Of course, they were out of the Marcal Small Steps Paper Towels 2 pack and Toilet Tissue 4 double roll pack, which were free after sale and coupons. They wrote rain checks for me and I hope to pick those up later this week.
I then stopped at Walmart later in the evening for some things that was too much at Giant Eagle. I saved 30% there. I picked up some clearance holiday tea, some honey, some Always Infinity, so Softsoap bonus pumps, some cornmeal, Slimfast snack bars (better than CVS deal) and a few other items.
For more deals, check out Shopping Superstars and Super Savings Saturday.
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