
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blogging about Blogging

Today, over at Works For Me Wednesday there is a theme and that theme is blogging. Since my post last week was poorly timed, I decided that this week, I would link back to it and other blogging posts that I have done, to share some of what I have learned along the way.

Google Docs - this is a great way to share files with readers or gather information from readers for a survey or entries for a giveaway.

Blogging for the Non-Programmer - when I first started to blog, I was a little intimidated by how to make my blog work. Over time and with a few handy resources I have found, I have become much better at making my blog mine.

Part of blogging is really all about learning. I did a series a while back about what I learned through blogging:

Done right, you can get name brand products for less than generic, and many really are better.

Menu planning really does make life easier and more economical.

Coupons, coupons, coupons - there are many sources, both on- and off-line and not all coupon inserts are equal.

Time and measurement. I am amazed at how much time I spend blogging and reading other blogs - clicking through comments to learn more about readers and hanging out on Twitter and getting to know others. I also have learned about a lot of tools like Feedburner and Google Analytics. I am amazed about the amount that can be learned through these two tools - where readers are from, what searches bring people to the blog most often, etc.

I shared some of the top search terms, top recipe search, top referring sites and more in this post on my first anniversary.

Want to learn more about blogging - check out this week's Works for Me Wednesday where others will be sharing their blogging tips and tricks.

1 comment:

  1. "where others will be sharing their blogging tips and tricks"

    ...along with a whole lot of other stuff LOL!
