Sunday, February 28, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
At our house, the focus is on dinners. I tend to only list the main course and any standard side we have with it. We do still have vegetables and/or fruit with each of our dinners, I just don't always call them out.
Leftover Turkey Tenderloin
Slow Cooker Italian Meatball
Cashew Chicken
Potato Soup and sandwiches
Roasted Shrimp with Tomatoes
Skyline Chili
Birthday Party
Weekdays breakfast is at daycare for my daughter, the rest of us eat cold cereal, frozen waffles, oatmeal, toast or whatever strikes our fancy. Lunch we pack, usually leftovers for me.
Check out other menu plans for the week at Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie.
Walgreens Scenarios - week of 2/28
I don't need Huggies any more, but they have a deal that if you have coupons, you can get a lot of diapers for not a lot of cost. Buy 3 Jumbo packs at 8.99 each and earn $5 RR. $21.97 for 3 packs or $7.32 each. There are a number of coupons and some IPs, as well that can sweeten the deal.
Transaction #1
4 - Nyquil/Dayquil
2 - Puff's Tissues
-$2 Nyquil/Dayquil Any mfg coupon (expires today)
-$2 Nyquil/Dayquil Any mfg coupon (expires today)
-$2 Nyquil/Dayquil Any mfg coupon (expires today)
-$2 Nyquil/Dayquil Any mfg coupon (expires today)
-Free Puff's wyb 2 Nyquil/Dayquil
-Free Puff's wyb 2 Nyquil/Dayquil
Total $12 OOP. Earn $10 RR.
Transaction #2
2 - Purex 3-in-1 sheets
2 - Sudafed
-$4.50 BOGO Purex mfg coupon
-$2 Sudafed IP
-$2 Sudafed IP
Total $10.48, pay with $10 RR and $.48 OOP. Earn $6 RR.
Transaction #3
3 - Kotex Products
1 - Speedstick
-$1 Kotex mfg coupon
-$1 Kotex mfg coupon
-$1 Kotex mfg coupon
Total $7.97, pay with $6 RR and $1.97 OOP. Earn $5 and $1 RR.
Transaction #4
1 - Schick Intuition
2 - Dentyne single packs (w/ in ad coupon)
-$4 Intuition mfg coupon
-$1 $1/2 Dentyne mfg coupon
Total $5.37, pay with $5 RR and $.37 OOP. Earn $3 RR.
You now have $4 RR to roll for next week, or if you are like me and unsure of your next visit, use them up with this transaction:
Transaction #5
1 - Red Baron Pizza
1 - Gallon Milk
Total $5.32. Pay with $4 RR and $1.32 OOP.
For more deals and scenarios, check out Money Saving Mom and Deal Seeking Mom.
Walgreen's $5 Challenge
Transaction #1
1 - Intuition Razor
-$4 Intuition mfg coupon
Total $4.99, earn $3 RR.
Transaction #2
2 - Purex Liquid (on sale BOGO, not in ad - thanks Mercedes)
1 - Colgate Total
2 - Dentyne Gum (w/ in ad coupon)
1 - Sweettime Jelly Beans (w/ in ad coupon)
-BOGO Purex mfg coupon
-$.75 Colgate mfg coupon
-$1 $1/2 Dentyne mfg coupon
Total $3.14, pay with $3 RR and $.14 OOP. Earn $2 RR.
Transaction #3
1 - Speedstick
1 - Sweettime Jelly Beans (or cheaper filler)
Total $2.49, pay with $2 RR and $.49 OOP. Earn $1 RR.
Total OOP $5.62, with $1 RR to roll, for $28.33 in product. A savings of 81%.
For more $5 Scenarios, check out the Walgreens $5 Challenge.
CVS Scenarios - week of 2/28
I didn't make it to CVS last week, even though I had plans to. With all the snow, I couldn't walk to my local to work CVS at lunchtime and I just had no get up and go to otherwise get out in the snow. So, I just skipped it. I would have liked to have gotten the inexpensive cereal and Softsoap, but alas I saved more money by not spending this week.
My thoughts for this coming we are as follows:
Transaction #1
2 - Speedstick
4 - Pepsi 2L
1 - Gain Detergent
-$1 $1/4 Pepsi Mfg coupon (from a hang tag at CVS earlier in the month)
-$1 Gain Mfg coupon
Total $14.82. Earn $3, $1 and $2 ECBs.
Transaction #2
1 - Softsoap NutriSerums
-$1 Softsoap NutriSerums mfg coupon
Total $3.99, pay with $3 and $1 ECB from transaction #1 (adjusted down). Earn $4 ECBs.
Transaction #3
4 - Ensure 6pk (I use this as a protein drink after exercising)
-$3 Ensure Mfg coupon
-$1.85 Ensure IP
-$1.85 Ensure IP
-4.99 B3G1 Free IP
Total $8.29. Pay with $4 ECBs from Transaction #2 and $2 ECBs from Transaction #1 and $2.29 OOP.
For more deals and scenarios, check out Deal Seeking Mom, Money Saving Mom and the "Cent"sible Sawyer.
CVS $5 Challenge
Transaction #1
1 - Softsoap NutriSerums
-$1 Softsoap NutriSerums mfg coupon
Total $3.99 OOP, earn $4 ECBs.
Transaction #2
1 - Gain Detergent
-$1 Gain Mfg coupon
Total $4.99. Pay with $4 ECBs from Transaction #1 and $.99 OOP. Earn $2 ECBs.
Transaction #3
1 - Ensure 6 pack
-$3 Ensure Mfg coupon
Total $1.99. Pay with $2 ECB from Transaction #2 (adjusted down).
Total OOP of $4.99 with no ECBs to roll, for $16 (at sale price) worth of merchandise.
For more $5 Scenarios, check out the CVS $5 Challenge.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Fat Burnin' Friday
My son has a summer birthday, so this week he celebrated his half birthday at school. He chose cupcake cones for his treat again this year (my husband said never again, but that's a different story). Of course, he has a larger than normal class and I had to make a second cake mix to get enough cones for him to take to his class and teachers. So, after I made enough cones, I poured the remaining batter into a square pan and baked it up. It was delicious and I would know because I had a slice of it three nights this week.
At work, I had my own challenges. Between desserts that were shared on three days and a lunch meeting three days, I didn't always make the wisest decisions. For two of the lunches, I chose salad at least, so they weren't that bad for me - of course, I included bacon and a little cheese on my spinach salads.
I tried really hard this week to do some of the Yoga from the P90X series. Mostly, I learned that I have bad balance and transitions look a lot easier than they are. I did Core one morning as well. Then, today, I slept in. I decided that since I plan to start my second journey through P90X on Monday, that I deserved a day off. I am looking forward to restarting P90X. I am planning to take my measurements on Sunday so that I can measure my success both in inches and weight lost.
My Weight Watchers meeting this week was a good one for me. I have now been on the program for 22 weeks (time flies) and I have lost 22 pounds. I really think that the slow and steady approach works best. Sure, I have had bigger losses, plateaus and even some gains, but overall on average I am losing 1 pound per week. Mostly I am excited that 25# is within grasp - that is a major milestone.
This week, my Friday progress shows a loss of .6#. I now have 13.6# to go to my goal weight. I feel comfortable that being only 8# from my goal weight at the end of March is completely within reach. That's just 5.6# in 4 1/2 weeks.
Samples and Freebies
South Beach Living S'mores Bars
All-Bran Spring Promise Pack and Offers
Olay Total Effects Body Wash
Crest 3D White
Benefiber Orange
$10 Jeans Voucher from Special K
Caron yarn sample
Kashi Heart to Heart Warm Cinnamon cereal sample (you can get a $1.50 coupon here)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
There are primarily two reward programs that I participate in - MyPoints and SwagBucks.
MyPoints I joined when BzzAgent converted from BzzPoints to MyPoints. With MyPoints you can earn points by participating in offers, taking surveys, printing and using coupons, through BzzCampaigns and more. Some of the surveys (those with higher points) take as long as 45 minutes if you qualify. I don't always have the time for that.
SwagBucks is a search engine powered by Google and When you search using SwagBucks search and win, you can earn SwagBucks that can be redeemed either for prizes or gift cards. When I first signed up, I was a little bit skeptical, but earning SwagBucks is easy. The nice thing about it is that you can earn SwagBucks just for searching the web. You don't have to change anything you do, just use SwagBucks as your search engine. This is a great way to earn a little extra by doing virtually nothing. The awarding of SwagBucks is random and intermittent, but you do "win" them. Some days, when I search, I win nothing, other times I will earn them on consecutive searches.
In addition to SwagBucks that you can earn by searching, either through their site or by downloading their search bar, there are frequently promotions as well where they will put out a SwagCode (or a clue of what it might be) worth a set value that you can enter on their homepage to receive some additional SwagBucks. These codes and clues are shared through Facebook, Twitter and the SwagBlog.
Then, to sweeten the deal, on Fridays they have MegaSwag Bucks Days. When you use SwagBucks to search on Fridays, you can earn even more SwagBucks (not sure of the values in their new environment yet).
Thursday was their birthday and they rolled out a new interface and revalued their SwagBucks. What was once 1 SwagBuck is now 10 SwagBucks. On their birthday alone, you could earn hundreds of SwagBucks just entering the special birthday codes on their home page.
You can sign up here and start to earn gift cards and awards, just for searching the Internet.
It's this easy:
SEARCH the web using and receive results from Google &
EARN SwagBucks are periodically awarded as you search the web.
REDEEM your SwagBucks for exclusive products and more in the Swag Store. (my personal favorite are the giftcards)
Click here to sign up and start earning your SwagBucks now.
This post shared on Frugal Friday .
Rainbow Brite CD winners
An e-mail will be sent to the winners.
Thank you for entering and be sure to check out the Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk with DHA giveaway here.
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
1 4
Timestamp: 2010-02-25 10:22:34 UTC
Jennie-O Turkey $5 Rebate - first 25,000
The full product rebate offer is limited to the first 25,000 that sign up. I probably will use mine to get their Turkey Roast.
Also, if you tweet about this promotion, you’ll be eligible for a chance to win a prize package which includes coupons for a year-long supply of Jennie-O Turkey and a gym membership (valued at $1250). More info here.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Lunchbox Treats
When I pack, I generally pack a sandwich (or an occasional nearly free Lunchables), a fruit or yogurt, a crunchy item and a sweet item. The sandwiches are generally peanut butter and jelly or bologna. For fruit, it will vary between fresh fruit like grapes, apples or clementines or a fruit cup, generally applesauce, the mixed fruit with cherry or mandarin oranges. For crunchy snack, we do thing like Chex Mix, Goldfish, celery and carrots with dip, pretzels, or chips occasionally. The sweet item might be pudding, a cookie, a small piece of candy or chocolate Chex Mix.
One of my son's favorite things to pack are the small yogurt cups with the toppings. These are great when they are on sale and I have coupons, but otherwise not the cheapest lunchbox option. So, I have started making my own.
What you need:
quart of yogurt (I generally buy vanilla for use in smoothies too)
a topping - like mini M&Ms or a crumbled cookie or some granola
Fill a small container with yogurt. Then fill a baggie with the topping.
Really, rather a simple "recipe" for a treat. The first time I packed it for him, when he came home he asked if I could make that again some time. I told him of course. I like that it is cheaper than the little cups and since I am using a reusable plastic container, there is less waste.
Of course, now we have them for a snack at home too. I need to check out some post-Valentine Day sales to see if I can find some mini M&Ms to stock up for future lunches and snacks.
For more lunch box love, check out this week's Ultimate Recipe Swap at Life As Mom.
Picky Eaters - how to not have them?
I'd be lying if I said that my kids love everything, they have their favorites, like any child, but they at least try everything. Sometimes the looks I get when my child asks me what's for dinner and no matter my answer - chili, chicken gravy, lasagne, jambalaya - their response is "that's my favorite", are amusing. Why is it so hard to believe that kids can like an assortment of food?
I started out with advice I read in a book during my pregnancy. Eat a variety of foods and flavors during your pregnancy and while nursing - this way your child is exposed to variety early. Now, I know that for some, pregnancy leaves them with an unsettled stomach, and certainly, eating bland foods was something that I participated in for a period, but when I was not in a phase that had me queasy or sensitive to smells, I ate a variety of foods and flavors. I learned early on in nursing that I had to watch how much of a certain type of food I had, like broccoli for instance, so that my son's stomach didn't react so much to the compounds in the milk. But, once I was back to work, I simply would take bottles from different days to the daycare to ensure he didn't get too much of any one food in my milk.
When I began to introduce foods, we tried everything that came in a jar. They didn't' take to each item right away, but I went with the guidance that if they don't like it, try it again in a few days. Sometimes, it takes repeated trials for them to like a food. Then, when my kids started to eat table food, they ate from our food. Sure, early on they were only eating part of our meals - potatoes, beans, corn, etc - you know the more finger food portions. But, as they have grown, they eat a little of everything that we do. Now, I don't make them eat a ton of something, but I at least expect them to try it. Sometimes I resort to fibbing, when they protest that they don't like something, I tell them that they liked it last time (even if it is the first time) so that they will at least try it. Again, it can take multiple tries before they acquire a taste for a new food.
When they were learning to feed themselves, I would thicken the applesauce/yogurt and such with oatmeal or rice cereal so that they could manage the spoon and get more food in their mouth than on them (although I still think the distribution was about 50/50). Early bowls of cereal were light on milk, again so that they could do it themselves. I think that there is a connection between what they like to eat and what they can feed themselves - I never wanted them to not eat something because they couldn't do it on their own - especially when they were learning, my kids had a stubborn streak and were convinced that they had to do it on their own.
As I prepare dishes and put food on their plate, I try to give them a little more of things that they are familiar with than of the new stuff. When I make a dish with sauce, they get mostly pasta with a bit of sauce the first time. Then, the next time, I might give them more of the sauce. I have adjusted the spice levels in many dishes down to accommodate their more sensitive pallets (sometimes splitting the meal to two pans before spicing - using a fraction in theirs and normal levels in ours), but over time, as they have become more familiar with the flavors of different spices, I have started to increase the levels.
I make things for dinner that I don't eat and that my husband doesn't eat - not the main course, but side dishes and accompaniments. When we have chili, I don't eat the beans, for instance - if they are mixed in I will, but I prefer not to. Sometimes, I will make two vegetables - lima beans for my husband and cauliflower for me - the kids have a little of both. I want them to know and understand that not everyone likes everything and some people like different things, but just because you don't prefer to have something like beans, doesn't mean you don't like the rest of the dish.
My kids eat things that some don't expect for kids to like - salads, cauliflower, broccoli, mangoes, GoLean Crunch (they love this with frozen blueberries), and more. They also eat a lot of what are typical kid foods - chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, hot dogs and Cheerios. I just make sure that as I plan a week's menu to include a balance, with about one dinner a week being a kid favorite.
Do I know how to not have picky eaters? I don't know, I just know that this has worked for me. For more tips and tricks that work, check out Works for Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3

Milk is an important part of my diet and my family's. I've always been very fortunate that my children enjoy milk, like I do, so getting them to drink it has never been an issue. Sometimes though, I still like to give them a treat in the form of chocolate milk. Sure, you can mix chocolate milk up at home, but have you ever noticed that it's never quite the same as a premade chocolate milk that you can buy at the store? Something about the chocolate milk you buy at the store makes it creamier and richer than what you can mix up at home.
When it comes to buying chocolate milk, a lowfat milk is important to me. My family doesn't need the added fat of a whole milk (we used to, but now the kids are older). With chocolate milk, we are still getting the Vitamin D and Calcium that you expect from milk but if I could get even more benefit from a chocolate milk treat, that would be great. So, when I was contacted by Horizon Milk about trying their new Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3, I was excited. We have had their white milk with DHA and enjoyed it, so as with most things in life, I figured chocolate could only improve it.
We picked up a half gallon this weekend. As expected, it was a great tasting chocolate milk. The organic milk always seems to me to have a thicker mouthfeel than the 1% regular milk that I also buy (I think it related to the ultra-pasteurization, but that is not something I have seen specifically). The chocolate, to me, was just right - not too rich. In the wintertime, I frequently enjoy having a warm beverage in the evening. So, one evening, instead of my usual tea, I decided to warm up a mug of the chocolate milk. It was delicious warm. It was so much better than regular hot chocolate (which I usually make with water), plus it had the added benefit of providing me with DHA Omega-3.
According to Horizon, Horizon Organic lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3 provides a great tasting and easy way to add calcium and DHA to your family’s diet. DHA Omega-3 is an important nutrient that helps support heart, brain and eye health, and it’s available in lowfat half gallons. DHA Omega-3 is a natural building block that supports brain development and function throughout life. It’s good for the whole family, but is especially valuable for young children to support their rapid growth.
You can learn more about DHA here.
The Ingredients and Nutritional Data for the chocolate milk can be found here.
You can become a fan of Horizon on Facebook.
You can find a store near you here.
Looking for other great ways to incorporate this milk into your diet? Check out the recipe for a Chocolate Power Smoothie located on their website.
Horizon has offered to allow me to giveaway 4 coupons each (2 for 1 dollar off a half gallon and 2 for a free half gallon) to 2 lucky readers.
To enter, simply leave a comment on this post, letting me know you would like to try Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3.
For Additional Entries (Leave a Separate Comment for each extra entry):
1. Subscribe to A Busy Mom of Two by e-mail or RSS feed (on my sidebar near the top)
2. Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about the giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your Tweet. (you can use: ” Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3 Review & Giveaway @ABusyMomofTwo - Ends 3/10 -” ) This entry may be completed once each day.
3. Blog about this giveaway. Leave a comment with a link to your post.
4. Promote this giveaway on Facebook.
Giveaway will remain open until March 10th at 6 pm. Two winners will be selected using a random number generator. The winners will be contacted by e-mail (be sure to leave one!) and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.
No compensation was received for this post. Horizon contacted me directly and provided me two coupons good for one free half gallon of the Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3. In addition, they are providing the four coupons for each of the two winners of this giveaway.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
I headed out to Giant Eagle today to do my weekly shopping. I saved 51% after sales and coupons. In addition, I have $7 in catalinas for my next visit. Normally, I would try to split my transaction to get the catalinas on the first transaction and use them on the second, but decided that I could just plan to shop there again next week to use the coupons before they expire. I was a bit bummed, as the woman who bagged my groceries overloaded one of my freezer (insulated) bags and when I pulled it out of my car, it split open. Thankfully, nothing fell out of the bag, but now I have to replace that bag or just be resigned to having only two freezer bags (and only one with a working zipper).
At our house, the focus is on dinners. I tend to only list the main course and any standard side we have with it. We do still have vegetables and/or fruit with each of our dinners, I just don't always call them out.
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Penne with Vodka Sauce
Cube Steaks
Salsa Couscous Chicken
Fish Fillets/Cole Slaw
Turkey Tenderloin
Weekdays breakfast is at daycare for my daughter, the rest of us eat cold cereal, frozen waffles, oatmeal, toast or whatever strikes our fancy. Lunch we pack, usually leftovers for me.
Check out other menu plans for the week at Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie.
Walgreens Scenarios - week of 2/21
Transaction #1
2 - Theraflu Warming Relief
-$2 Theraflu IP
-$2 Theraflu IP
Total $6, earn a $5 RR (like paying $.50 each!).
Transaction #2
1 - Venus Embrace Razor
1 - Olay Body Wash
1 - Theater Box Candy
-$2 Venus Embrace Mfg coupon
-$? Free Olay Body Wash with Venus purchase mfg coupon
Total $7.48. Pay with $5 RR from Transaction #1 and $2.48 OOP. Earn $4 RR.
Transaction #3
2 - Tylenol Cold
1 - Goody Ouchless Elastics
-$2 Tylenol Cold IP
-$2 Tylenol Cold IP
Total $8.98. Pay with $4 RR from Transaction #1 and $4.98 OOP. Earn $3 and $2 RR.
Transaction #4
4 - Hershey Pieces
2 - Arizona Iced Tea cans
-$1 Hershey Pieces Mfg coupon
-$1 Hershey Pieces Mfg coupon
-$1 Hershey Pieces Mfg coupon
-$1 Hershey Pieces Mfg coupon
Total $6.99. Pay with $3 and $2 RR and $1.99 OOP. Earn $5 RR.
I would likely use my $5 RR to buy some milk, some Hunt's Tomato sauce ($.39 with in ad coupon), some Butterball Chicken Broth (2/$1 with in ad coupon) and some Trident Layers ($.99 - $.75 Trident Layers mfg coupon), since I am unsure when I would come back.
The total OOP for these five transactions would be $15.45, for a lot of cold medicine and candy.
Some other options: I think the Theraflu deal is a better one and I know that it works for me. So, I likely would actually try to get two more $2 IP from here or here and in transaction #3 substitute 2 Theraflu Warming Liquid. I would earn $2 more in RR so I would have to ad a small filler, perhaps another box of Swedish Fish to transaction #4. With this change, it would make my total OOP $13.94 for the same amount of product.
Another deal that I am considering is the Benefiber deal. Buy 1 - 62 dose powder for $9.99 (less $2 IP), get a coupon for a free 18ct box of sticks.
Another deal to consider is the Excedrin Menstrual. It is reported as being part of the 2/$5 sale this week, couple it with a $2 IP and earn $2 RR for a profit of $1.50. You probably would want to verify that it is included by doing a price check.
Walgreens is also offering 7 days, 7 deals for photo developing. For Sunday, you can get a Magazine Cover print for only $1.99 using coupon code COVERIT or by printing the coupon here. The offer changes daily, so be sure to check back.
For more deals and scenarios, check out Money Saving Mom and Deal Seeking Mom.
Walgreens $5 Challenge
Challenge it is! Most of the deals that I like this week on RR are more than $5 OOP. So, here is what I think you could do:
Transaction #1
1 - Excedrin Menstrual
-$2 Excedrin IP
Total $.50 OOP, earn $2 RR.
Transaction #2
2 - Theraflu Warming Liquid
1 - Royal Pudding
-$2 Theraflu IP
-$2 Theraflu IP
Total $6.25. Pay with $2 RR from Transaction #1 and $4.25 OOP. Earn $5 RR.
Transaction #3
1 - Goody Ouchless Elastics
1 - Excedrin Menstrual
1 - Mott's Apple Juice (w/ in ad coupon)
-$2 Excedrin IP
Total $5.28, pay with $5 RR and $.28 OOP. Earn $2 and $2 RR.
Transaction #4
4 - 2L of Dr Pepper (at least one Diet, use in ad coupon)
1 - Royal Pudding (or other cheap filler)
Total $4.21, pay with $2 and $2 RR and $.21 OOP.
Total OOP of only $5.24! Wow! Maybe I should head to Walgreens this week.
For more $5 scenarios, check out the Walgreens $5 Challenge at Keeping the Kingdom First.
CVS Scenarios - week of 2/21
Transaction #1
1 - Mennen Speed Stick
2 - John Frieda
1 - EARinse
1 - Colgate Max Fresh
-$2 John Frieda Root Awakening IP (was on, not seeing it now)
-$2 John Frieda Root Awakening IP
-$1 Colgate Max Fresh IP
Total $20.95 OOP, earn $2, $5, $7.99 and $2 in ECBs. If you are lucky enough to have a $/$$ coupon for $20 or $25, this would be a good transaction to use it on.
Transaction #2
1 - Almay Intensive iColor
1 - Physician Formula Bamboo
1 - Tide Detergent
1 - Tide Stain Release
-$2 Almay Mfg coupon
-$1 Tide Mfg coupon
-$? Free Tide Stain Release with Tide Detergent Mfg coupon
Total $20.97. Pay with $16.99 in ECBs and $3.98 OOP. Earn $2, 5, and $2 ECBs.
Some other deals worth considering:
Colgate Toothbrushes (psa $1.99), spend $10 get $5 ECBs. Use the $1/1 Colgate 360 ActiFlex coupon. Should be able to get 5 toothbrushes for around $5.50.
Pampers (48 - 96ct) $22.99, earn $3 ECBs. Use the $2/1 or $1.50/1 Pampers mfg coupon.
Bioluxe Shampoo and Conditioner BOGO. There are reportedly bottles out there that have tags for a Try Me Free MIR. If you can find those, that would be a good way to get two bottles for free. My store did not have them last time I was there.
Softsoap $.88. Use the $.35 Softsoap IP to get one for $.53.
GM Cereals $1.99. Use the $1/1 GM Cereal IP.
For more deals and scenarios, check out Money Saving Mom, Deal Seeking Mom and the "Cent"sible Sawyer.
CVS $5 Challenge
Transaction #1
1 - Colgate Max Fresh
1 - Mennen Speed Stick
-$1 Colgate Max Fresh IP
Total $4.98 OOP. Earn $2 and $2 ECBs.
Transaction #2
1 - Cheerios
1 - Softsoap
1 - Quaker Oatmeal
2 - Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna
-$1 GM Cereal IP
-$.35 Softsoap IP
-$1 Quaker Oatmeal IP
Total $3.90. Pay with $2 and $2 ECBs, adjusted down.
Total OOP $4.98 for deodorant, toothpaste, cereal, soap, oatmeal and tuna. Not a bad trip.
For more $5 Scenarios, check out CVS $5 Challenge at Keeping the Kingdom First.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Fat Burnin' Friday
So, as I mentioned, my reward to myself for completing the P90X program was a Wii. Did you know how hard they are to find? I had no idea. Everyone is sold out of them and of the Wii Fit. We found out that if they were in Sunday's ad, that meant that Best Buy would have some on their truck and that if we called in, we could purchase one by phone and pick it up later. So, at 11 am on Sunday, I was on the phone. We got one! Later in the day, we headed out to pick it up. We had to go to another store to find a Wii Fit. I haven't yet set up Wii Fit. We did play a few games this week - some bowling, some baseball and some tennis. So far, I like it. So, has anyone done the Biggest Loser for Wii? I have it and am wondering if I should open it - am I going to be disappointed with it like I was the DVD or is it pretty good? Please let me know.
As far as weight loss, I did pretty good this week. I managed to lose 1.8# this week. I ate out Mexican on Sunday and was munchy on Monday, but otherwise seemed to do pretty well with eating. I had a catered lunch, where I might have gone a little overboard, but I hope to recover quickly from what I expect is a slight gain, but I just couldn't resist the food.
My weigh in at Weight Watchers was equally successful. They had the scales back on boards this week, which I am convinced makes a difference, they were in agreement with my scale at home this time (last week, they were about 1 1/2# heavier). I am getting close to the 25# mark while on Weight Watchers - which is another award level. I love reaching many milestones on my journey. It gives me a real sense of accomplishment and keeps me motivated towards the next one.
I now have 14.2# to go to my goal weight. I feel comfortable that having only 8# to go at the end of March is completely within reach. That's just over 6# in 5+ weeks.
CVS Deals - 2/19 (and the rest of the week)
1st visit
My friend doesn't use Aussie and had two coupons, so we went together and I used her card and two coupons to get two Aussie hair products.
Transaction #1
1 - Aussie Mousse
-$1 Aussie Mfg coupon
$1.99 (+ tax) OOP, earned $2 ECBs.
Transaction #2
1 - Aussie Spray
-$1 Aussie Mfg coupon
Paid with $2 ECB and tax OOP.
2nd Visit
This was the fateful, coupons blowing away visit. I had to change up the Glade deal a bit to use the coupons that I had left and I didn't get the Purex, since I had lost those coupons to the wind.
Transaction #1
3 - Benefiber Sticks
-$6 ($2 x 3) Benefiber IP
Paid with $5, $5.49 and $1 ECB and $5.58 OOP. Earned $10 ECBs.
Transaction #2
2 - Covergirl Clean Foundation
1 - Glade Sense and Spray
2 - Glade Sense and Spray refills
1 - Aussie Conditioner
-$1 Covergirl Mfg coupon
-$6 Covergirl BOGO face product Mfg coupon
-$3 Glade Sense and Spray mfg coupon
-$2 $2/2 Glade Sense and Spray Refills
-$1 Aussie Mfg coupon
Paid with $10 ECBs and $5.68 OOP. Earned $5, $4 and $2 ECBs.
3rd Visit
On my way to pick up pizza tonight, I decided to stop in and see if another store had the Crest ProHealth Rinse, as the other store had been out. I was in luck and they did.
Transaction #1
2 - Crest ProHealth Enamel Rinse
-$2 Crest Rinse Mfg coupon
-$2 Crest Rinse Mfg coupon
Paid with $2 ECBs and $1.46 OOP. Earned $7 and $1 (green bag tag) ECBs.
I started the week with $11.49 in ECBs and finished the week with $17 in ECBs. I spent $12.72 OOP for an increase of $5.51 in ECBs, or a net cost for all of this product of $7.21. (in addition, of course I spent $2 for two Aussie hair care items on my friend's card). According to my receipts, I saved $61.82.
I also intend to submit the three Glade items for the $5 SC Johnson rebate. So, after that the deal will seem even better.
Despite the loss of coupons to the weather, it was a pretty good week at CVS.
For more deals, check out Super Savings Saturday and Shopping Superstars.
Samples and Freebies
Tropical Chewy Lemonheads
Nestle Abuelita Granulado sample
free sample of Duck Brand Packaging Tape - after completing a brief survey
Tide with Febreeze coupon
Free Food Events and Deals
This Saturday, February 20th, stop by Auntie Anne's between 10 am and 3 pm to get your free Original or Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel. Offer is limit one per person. They'll even send you a text wake up reminder if you sign up on their site. Heading out with some friends or family? Take a picture of your group enjoying their free pretzels on Free Pretzel Day and submit for a chance to be one of 100 winners of an Auntie Anne's T-shirt. Details here. According to their Twitter feed, all locations are participating.
Then, on Tuesday, February 23rd, head to IHOP to celebrate National Pancake Day with a Free Short Stack (three pancakes) of Buttermilk Pancakes from 7 am to 10 pm. They do ask that you consider making a donation to support local children's hospitals through Children's Miracle Network or other local charities. Offer is limit one, at participating locations while supplies last (you might want to call ahead). For this deal, you can receive a Celebrity wake up call reminder, by signing up on their website. For more details, visit their National Pancake Day page here.
Yum! I also understand that Walmart has Sara Lee pies for $1, and by signing up here you can get a coupon for $1 off any Sara Lee dessert.
Any other free food deals/events that are going on?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Salsa Couscous Chicken
Salsa Couscous Chicken
1 tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 chicken breasts, cut in pieces
1 c salsa
1/4 c water
1 tbsp honey
3/4 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Heat oil in large skillet over medium high heat. Add garlic, cook and stir for a minute. Add chicken and cook 4 to 5 minutes, turning once. In a medium bowl, combine all remaining ingredients. Mix well. Add to chicken and mix well. Reduce heat to medium, cover and cook for 20 minutes or until chicken is fork tender.
Serve over prepared couscous (approx 3 cups - can substitute orzo or rice).
For more delicious food, check out the Ultimate Recipe Swap on Life as Mom.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Chocolate Cheerios Winner
Thanks everyone for entering.
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-02-18 01:30:13 UTC
Online Bill Pay
Many of my bills are sent to me electronically. This saves concern with having bills left in the mailbox or misdirected mail. It also reduces paper usage - think of all of those extra ads and inserts that come in a normal bill. With electronic notifications, typically a notice is sent that I have a bill available and I can log onto the company's website and view my bill. As an added bonus, most companies also allow me to view recent bills, sometimes as far back as 18 mos or more. I like this, it saves me from having to print and have lots of paper copies on file. In addition, many of the websites feature reminder notifications that you can set up - to alert you activity on your account, payment reminders, payment verification, etc.
Many of my bills are able to be paid through the biller's website. The ones I like best are the ones that let me schedule my payment. This way, I don't have to remember to log on on a specific date to pay my bill, I simply can set and forget. Plus, I get to keep my money in my account until the bill is due. When I was mailing bills, I always felt like I needed to mail it a little bit early to make sure that it was received on time. In addition, once again, there is no need to worry about misdirected mail or your payment getting there late.
Those that can't be paid through the biller's website, I use my bank's online bill pay feature to pay. The biggest challenge I have with my current bank's online bill pay system is that they send a paper check to the biller. As a result, you have to schedule it about a week in advance. My old bank, before we moved, would try to set up an EFT with any of the billers that they could. This way, it became an electronic payment instead of having to mail a paper check.
Paying bills online saves me time and money, and that works for me.
For more tips and tricks, check out Works for Me Wednesday.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What was old is new again
Remember Cabbage Patch Kids? I can remember wanting one so bad that first year that they were available. I didn't get one that year. I remember hearing tales of people waiting outside of the store for hours upon hearing a rumor that there would be a delivery. I did eventually get one. One thing that always struck me were the names that they gave to those dolls. There weren't any Elizabeth or Kate or Charlie or Nick dolls, no they had unique names. Mine was Fayette Rory. Fayette was certainly a name I had heard before but I didn't know or know of any. Rory at the time I had never even heard of it. These dolls with their signed bottoms are still on store shelves (or back on store shelves). My daughter has my doll, so I haven't gotten close enough to see if they still have unique names or if they have just made so many that they had to start using traditional or popular names.
What about Strawberry Shortcake? I loved my Strawberry Shortcake dolls. I had a few of the figurines, Lemon Meringue, Lime Chiffon, and Lem 'n Ada (they were twins). My dad fashioned two beds for me out of some trim and a thin board. He stained them and gave them to me for my figurines. I still have them. Strawberry is back on shelf again. She has movies and books and one thing that I have noticed is that the figurines have changed - the dolls are larger and softer than those from my childhood.
Remember the Smurfs? I can remember countless Saturday mornings watching the Smurfs. I had a lot of the little collectible figures and even a homemade pillow that was a Smurf. My son enjoys the Smurfs. We check the DVDs out from the library occasionally for them to watch. It brings back a bit of my childhood. I have even seen stuffed toys and Smurf village toys at the store.
What about Rainbow Brite? I have to confess that she was a little after my time. I remember her and I know some of my younger cousins had Rainbow Brite things, but I never actually did. She's back. Again, they have modernized her a bit. I remember this young girl:

You can see the new Rainbow Brite here. As you can see, in the animation, she is taller, thinner and more grown up than the Rainbow Brite of my childhood. You can learn more about the relaunch of Rainbow Brite on the Hallmark official Rainbow Brite website. They have a line of toys for the updated characters that are available at Target and soon will be available at Toys'R Us. I wonder if they will bring back the cartoons or relaunch them to DVD? You can also watch some animation shorts here.
Thanks to MomSelect and Hallmark, I am able to offer a giveaway for two readers to receive one Rainbow Brite activity CD. These CDs contain games, puzzles, a picture maker, coloring pages, the Rainbow Brite theme song and much more.
Primary Entry:
Which Rainbow Brite doll was your favorite or which do you think that special little girl in your life (daughter, niece, granddaughter, neighbor) would like best? You can find them all here.
Additional Entries:
Share this giveaway with friends - on your blog, on Facebook or by e-mail. Leave me a comment letting me know how you shared.
Follow @ABusyMomofTwo on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. You may complete this entry once per day.
Follow A Busy Mom of Two. Subscribe to updates in your feed reader or in e-mail. Leave me a comment letting me know that you signed up, or that you already subscribe.
Giveaway will remain open until February 24th at 6 pm. One winner will be selected using a random number generator. The winner will be contacted by e-mail (be sure to leave one!) and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.
I received no compensation for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine. I received some interactive CDs from Hallmark and MomSelect to experience for myself and to share with friends, family and readers.
Monday, February 15, 2010
In the Land of Odds

Product/Book Name: In the Land of Odds, DVD
Auto-B-Good is a five time Emmy Award winning series that can be seen on public television and all around the world. The series is based on the adventures of 9 vehicles, each with their own unique personality, who live in the City of Auto. Each episode is centered around a different Character Development Trait, such as honesty, respect, caring, fairness and many more.
There are currently six DVD’s available (Seasons one and two). Each DVD has four episodes on it.
Ages: 3-10
Price: $7.99
Put out by: Rising Star Studios
Auto-B-Good Site
I had never heard of the Land of Odds before I was contacted about reviewing it. It intrigued me though, my kids are both fans of the movie Cars, so I figured that they would both enjoy a cartoon that featured cars as characters and I liked the idea that each episode centers around one character development trait.
When the DVD first arrived, the kids were a little hesitant to watch it. After the first viewing, which consisted of only two episodes, I was a little bit disappointed that the kids weren't very excited about the show. But, I persevered and had them watch the DVD a second time. That was a good thing, this time, my son found more interest in the show and started talking about what he liked in the episodes. My daughter wasn't that enthused, but watched because her brother was watching. She is only 3 though, which is the bottom age for their recommended viewing, and in general, with the exception of Imagination Movers (most of the time), has a tendency to wander away from whatever show is on. (She has more important 3 year old things to do - which is fine by me, no need to sit there just watching TV)
I think the premise was a great one. I think that the quirky characters and the stories told certainly expressed the lesson at hand without making it feel like a lesson and in the short period of an episode. I like that there are 5 big cars (I was thinking "teenager" cars), 2 little cars and 2 older and wise cars, I think that the age range of the cars makes it easier to relate to. I also find the theme song sort of catchy (I find a lot of tunes to be catchy, as I frequently find myself singing along with even commercial jingles).
I am considering getting some additional discs for the kids to check out. I also noticed that there are some Auto-B-Good books available, which might be a great way to reinforce the lessons taught in the show.
You can preview one episode "Cooler Heads Prevail" on the YouTube link above and check it out for yourself or you can purchase a copy here.
Become a fan of Auto-B-Good on Facebook or follow Auto-B-Good on Twitter
There was no compensation made for this post. I did receive a complimentary DVD from Rising Star Studios to share with my family for the purposes of providing my review. This was made possible through MamaBzz.
Menu Plan Monday
At our house, the focus is on dinners. I tend to only list the main course and any standard side we have with it. We do still have vegetables and/or fruit with each of our dinners, I just don't always call them out.
Out at our favorite local Mexican restaurant
Baked Chicken
Pasta Alfredo
Cube Steaks
Pork Tenderloin/French Fries
Sweet & Sour Chicken
Weekdays breakfast is at daycare for my daughter, the rest of us eat cold cereal, frozen waffles, oatmeal, toast or whatever strikes our fancy. Lunch we pack, usually leftovers for me.
Check out other menu plans for the week at Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
CVS Scenarios - week of 2/14
This week, there are some deals that can be free or close to it after ECBs, so I am planning to head out.
Transaction #1
1 - Colgate Total
1 - Crest ProHealth Enamel Shield Toothpaste
1 - Crest ProHealth Enamel Shield Rinse
1 - Aussie Haircare
-$.50 Colgate Mfg coupon
-$.75 Crest Toothpaste mfg coupon
-$2 Crest Prohealth rinse mfg coupon (assumes right size to use coupon)
-$1 Aussie Hair Care mfg coupon
Total $8.73, earn $2, $7, and $2 ECBs.
Transaction #2
2 - Covergirl Clean Foundation
1 - Glade Sense & Spray Starter
2 - Glade Sense & Spray Refills
-$6 Covergirl BOGO Facial Product mfg coupon
-$1 Covergirl (any) mfg coupon
-$3 Glade Sense & Spray Starter kit mfg coupon
-$2 Glade Sense & Spray refill mfg coupon
-$2 Glade Sense & Spray refill mfg coupon
Total $10, pay with $9 ECBs from Transaction #1 and $1 OOP. Earn $5 and $4 ECBs.
Transaction #3
3 - Benefiber Stick Packs
-$2 Benefiber IP
-$2 Benefiber IP
-$2 Benefiber Orange mfg coupon
Total $15.57. Pay with $2 ECBs from Transnaction #1 and $9 ECBs from Transaction #2 and $4.57 OOP. Earn $10 ECBs.
Total OOP for the three transactions is $14.30 with $10 ECBs to roll, for a net "cost" of $4.30 for all of this product.
For more deals and scenarios, check out Money Saving Mom, Deal Seeking Mom and the "Cent"sible Sawyer.
CVS $5 Challenge
Transaction #1
2 - Covergirl Clean Foundation
-$6 Covergirl BOGO Facial Product mfg coupon
-$1 Covergirl (any) mfg coupon
Total $5. Earn $5 ECBs.
Transaction #2
1 - Glade Sense & Spray Starter
2 - Glade Sense & Spray Refills
-$3 Glade Sense & Spray Starter kit mfg coupon
-$2 Glade Sense & Spray refill mfg coupon
-$2 Glade Sense & Spray refill mfg coupon
Total $5, pay with $5 ECBs from Transaction #1, earn $4 ECBs.
Transaction #3
1 - Crest ProHealth Enamel Shield Toothpaste
2 - GoldEmblem candy (2/$3 bags, on sale BOGO50%)
-$.75 Crest Toothpaste mfg coupon
-$1 Gold Emblem (on 2) CRT
Total $4. Pay with $4 ECBs from Transaction #2. Earn $3.50 ECBs.
Transaction #4
1 - Crest ProHealth Enamel Mouthrinse
1 - Aussie Shampoo
-$2 Crest ProHealth Rinse mfg coupon (assumes right size for coupon)
-$1 Aussie mfg coupon
Total $3.50. Pay with $3.50 ECBs from Transaction #3. Earn $3.50 and $2 ECBs.
Optional Transaction #5:
1 - Pantene Restorative
-$1 Pantene Restorative Mfg coupon
Total $3.99. Pay with $3.50 ECBs from Transaction #4 and $.49 OOP. Earn $2 ECBs.
Total OOP $5, with $5.50 ECBs to roll (a net "profit" of $.50 for everything). If you did Transaction #5, Total OOP $5.49 with $4 ECBs to roll (a net "cost" of $1.49 for everything).
For more $5 Scenarios, check out the CVS $5 Challenge.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
CVS Deals - 2/12
Here is what I did get:
1 - Nivea Body Wash
2 - Nivea Lip Care
1 - Trident Layers gum
1 - Valentine's Photo Card
-$1 Nivea Body Wash mfg coupon
-$1 Nivea any mfg coupon
-$3.19 BOGO Nivea mfg coupon
-$.75 Trident Layers mfg coupon
Paid with $5.49 ECB and $3.03 OOP. Earned $5 and $1 ECBs.
I was thoroughly disappointed when I returned home and my All You had arrived and had, you guessed it, a $2 Nivea Body Wash mfg coupon. I probably should have waited on the gum, but I was out in my car. I think that coupon doubled at the grocery would have been better.
I also skipped Walgreens yesterday. I had that 15% coupon and I had thought about going back for more Joint Juice, as they had e-mailed me another BOGO coupon for signing up for the 30 day challenge. I knew the $10 RR was a monthly deal, but wasn't sure about the price. I was glad I called ahead, as I learned that they were not on sale and were $21 each. Not quite the deal I wanted and since the nearest Walgreens is a bit of a hike, probably not worth the trip for the couple of other items that I was going to pick up.
For more deals, check out Super Savings Saturday.
Fat Burnin' Friday
It was a great week! I finished P90X this week!* (I feel the need to asterisk this accomplishment because I did get through the 90 day program, but I only did it 5 days a week, not the 6 that they lay out and I only did the Ab Ripper over the holidays, not 3 times a week like they have it set up.) To me that is an accomplishment and I have to say, I feel great. I had tried to complete the full program before and was not able to make it through the full 90 days, in part because I got a nasty cold and then when I recovered, I just couldn't find the motivation to continue the program. The P90X program, if you are not familiar, is a great program that is sold through infomercial. The program was developed by Tony Horton and many famous people are graduates of the program.
Now, I am ready to reward myself with a Wii, so I can get Wii Fit. I didn't meet the weight goal that I had for myself, but I did complete the full P90X program. We are probably going to shop for one this weekend. My plan is to use the Wii Fit in the evening and/or weekends for additional exercise. I will still continue to do my primary exercising on weekday mornings, like I have been for the past 13 weeks. Speaking of morning exercise, I am going to take a short break from P90X, although will use some of the workouts on their own, and will try out some of the other DVDs I have. I haven't yet tried the two Biggest Loser DVDs that I won a while back. I also have some of the Lotte Burke DVDs that I read somewhere described as Pilates on Steroids, that I would like to do again. Then, in a few weeks, I will restart the P90X program. From the infomercials that I have watched (and based on my friend at work who has done it multiple times), each succession through brings a more toned body.
At Weight Watchers weigh in this week, I posted a gain, which disappointed me. Mostly it frustrated me, I showed a loss at home. For some reason, the scales at the meeting weighed 1 1/2# heavier than mine at home. That doesn't make any sense to me. Normally it is only off by .2 or .4# at most. I need to get back to more routine tracking. With some changes in schedule that I hadn't planned relative to lunch, I had three meals at work this week - two out and one catered. That never helps when it comes to tracking.
I did lose this week though. I was down 1.2# (it would have been a little more if I had used today's weight). So, now I have 16# to my goal. We have a tripped planned at the end of March. I think I would like to be 1/2 way closer to my goal or be down to where I have 8# to go. That trip is only 6 weeks away, so it is a bit of a stretch goal, but I think a stretch is a good thing.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Samples and Freebies
$10 Box Tops for Education coupon booklet
Burt's Bees Toothpaste
Free Excedrin Coupon ($2 printable coupon or free coupon by mail)
Emergen-C Alert sample
Zyrtec coupons
Con Agra recipe and coupon booklet
Gold Bond Ultimate sample and coupon
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Walgreens Friends and Family Event
Valentine's Day Treats
I enjoy making treats (of course, sometimes I enjoy eating them too much!). For Valentine's Day treats can come in all forms, but frequently, there is a heart or chocolate involved.
This year, once again, I made finger jello and cut it out as hearts for my daughter's Valentine's Day party. It really is rather simple to make. What I can't quite figure out is why the Jello box doesn't have a recipe for it - they have Jigglers, but those are just made with less water - and the Knox Gelatin box doesn't have a recipe for it - they have Knox Squares made with fruit juice, but neither have the recipe that I remember from my childhood with Jello and Knox.
Finger Jello
2 large Jello (or 4 small)
4 packets Knox Gelatin
4 c Boiling Water
Mix together, pour in pan and let set. Once set, use a cookie cutter to cut out in the desired shape.
I also saw an idea where you make four different colors of jello, stacked on each other. Mix 1 small pack Jello, 1 packet of Knox and 1 c Boiling Water. Pour in pan and allow to set, then do the next layer, repeat. When you are done, you will have a rainbow of finger jello, which sounds fun to me - maybe I will try that one at the Fourth of July and use some Blue and Red Jello for my layers.
Now, here is a link for Easy Cake Truffles, that I would like to make for myself. They sound so yummy and decadent.
For even more Valentine's Day treats, check out this week's edition of Ultimate Recipe Swap.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Imagination Movers
If you are not familiar with the Imagination Movers, it is a group of four men (who are all dads in real life) who solve problems. When they learn of a new problem, frequently their own and sometimes that of a customer, they declare it an IDEA EMERGENCY. They sing a catchy tune about Brainstorming. I really like the way they handle problem solving - they even say "There's no bad idea when your brainstorming". I think that sometimes kids don't get the chance to learn how to solve a problem and don't get the chance to share any old idea - good or bad. As they come up with ideas to solve their problem, they try them out. And, you know what? Just like in the real world, the first idea doesn't always solve the problem and you have to keep trying. When the eventually solve the problem, they celebrate with singing and dancing.
Last fall, we learned that the Imagination Movers were coming to Akron (Akree as my daughter calls it) for a live stage show. We had talked before about taking the kids to see a show sometime and this one seemed to be the perfect one. My husband wasn't able to join us, so the kids and I ventured out on our own.
The show was great. I got the chills when the theater went dark and the announcer came over the loud speaker and introduced them. The kids were dancing first in front of the seats and eventually in the aisle.
Watching them sing and dance, I decided that we should get a copy of their discs. My husband made an MP3 disc of all of their music for the car. Now, we listen to it all of the time in the car. As a mom, I have found their music very catchy and myself singing along. In fact, yesterday, I dropped my daughter off at daycare and was driving to work. I must have been 5 or 10 minutes down the road and realized that I was still listening and singing along to the Imagination Movers.
Don't get me wrong, I don't let the kids watch hours of television, but knowing that they are watching shows like Busytown Mysteries (more info here) and the Imagination Movers, where they are learning things that will help them in life, makes me feel better when they do watch TV. Besides, with "Movers" as we know them in our house, my daughter spends about half of the show standing on the floor in front of the couch and dancing along to the music.
For more tips and tricks, check out Works for Me Wednesday.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Breyers Inspirations - Cherry Chocolate Chip
I liked it so much that I started putting it into my yogurt rotation (sometimes you get bored if you eat the same thing week after week, so you have to mix it up). The other ones that I like are the Yoplait YoPlus yogurts (again, a line that is not artificially sweetened - although I believe they recently added a Lite line).
Then, last week, I was at the store and had yogurt on my shopping list (really, it's pretty much a standard list item). When I came to the yogurt section, I noticed something new that I just had to try in the Breyers Inspriations line - Cherry Chocolate Chip. I grabbed it and packed one for lunch the next day.
It was so good, the cherry yogurt combined with the chocolate chips was a complete indulgence. It was an immediate favorite. It was hard to believe that this treat was still only 3 Points (4oz cup). A definite lunch time addition. I couldn't resist, I bought it again this week, so much for rotation.
What is your favorite yogurt flavor? Have you tried this one? Share your thoughts in the comments.
I received no compensation for this post. All opinions are strictly my own and I purchased the products that I reference in this post.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Chocolate Cheerios

I saw them on the front of my Giant Eagle ad a few weeks ago and knew I must try them. As luck would have it, about two days later I got an e-mail from MyBlogSpark inviting me to try Chocolate Cheerios - how could I say no?
Let me start by saying we are big Cheerios fans in my house. We enjoy the original yellow box, the Honey Nut Cheerios, the Frosted Cheerios, the Fruity Cheerios and the Banana Nut Cheerios. On a few occasions, we have had the Apple Cinnamon and the Multi-Grain, but not as often as the others. I like that Cheerios are a good breakfast and a good snack. My kids have been eating them dry since they could pick them up and with milk since they could manage a spoonful of cereal and milk. They are one of my favorite cereals (along with Cocoa Puffs).
When the box arrived, I made the kids wait until Saturday to try it. I don't eat cereal and milk at home during the week, because I don't usually have the time. I was worried that if I let them open it, it would be gone before I got to give it a few tries.
The cereal delivers on the chocolate flavor without being overly sweet. I like that. My kids saw them as a treat (much like they do Fruity Cheerios and Banana Nut Cheerios) because they taste a little sweeter than regular Cheerios, plus let's be honest - they are chocolate and that has to make them special. I like that the Chocolate Cheerios is low in fat and only has 100 calories per serving and that it is made with whole grains (it carries the Whole Grain Guarantee that there are 8g or more per serving).
One of the things that was included in my e-mail was a recipe for Chocolate Cheerios Marshmallow Hearts. Now, if there is one thing besides chocolate that I like it is marshmallows - how could this recipe not be great? I'm thinking that most of the time, I would go with squares, but for Valentine's Day the hearts would certainly be cute. I haven't made it yet, but you can find a copy here if you would like to try it.

Here is your chance to win your own Chocolate Cheerios Gift pack - including a box of Chocolate Cheerios for you to try yourself, courtesy of Chocolate Cheerios and MyBlogSpark
Primary Entry:
Which variety of Cheerios is your favorite? You can go here to see a full assortment.
Additional Entries:
- Share this giveaway with friends - on your blog, on Facebook or by e-mail. Leave me a comment letting me know how you shared.
- Follow @ABusyMomofTwo on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. You may complete this entry once per day.
- Follow A Busy Mom of Two. Subscribe to updates in your feed reader or in e-mail. Leave me a comment letting me know that you signed up, or that you already subscribe.
Giveaway will remain open until February 17th at 6 pm. One winner will be selected using a random number generator. The winner will be contacted by e-mail (be sure to leave one!) and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.
I received no compensation for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine. I received one Chocolate Cheerios gift pack for myself and one to giveaway, courtesy of Cheerios and MyBlogSpark.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Menu Plan Monday
At our house, the focus is on dinners. I tend to only list the main course and any standard side we have with it. We do still have vegetables and/or fruit with each of our dinners, I just don't always call them out.
Skyline Chili and Super Bowl munchies
Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas
Pork Chops
Cheeseburgers/French Fries
Chicken Gravy over Biscuits
CiCi's Pizza
Weekdays breakfast is at daycare for my daughter, the rest of us eat cold cereal, frozen waffles, oatmeal, toast or whatever strikes our fancy. Lunch we pack, usually leftovers for me.
Check out other menu plans for the week at Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie.
Walgreens Scenarios - week of 2/7
Transaction #1
3 - John Frieda products
-$5/2 John Frieda IP
-$2/1 John Frieda IP
Total $8. Earn a $5 RR.
Transaction #2
1 - Dove Men + Care Bodywash
1 - Kraft Mac n Cheese (w/ in ad coupon)
-$1.50 Dove Men + Care Bodywash IP
Total $5.19. Pay with $5 RR and $.19 OOP. Earn a $5.99 RR.
Transaction #3 (updated with IP)
3 - 7up 2L
2 - Theraflu
-$1.50 Theraflu mfg coupon
-$2 Theraflu IP or IP
-$2 Theraflu IP
Transaction #4
1 - Venus Embrace
1 - Olay Bodywash
2 - Disney Coloring Activity Books (w/ in ad coupon)
-$2 Venus Embrace mfg coupon
-Free Olay Bodywash w/ purchase of Venus mfg coupon
Total $7.66. Pay with $5 and $2 RR and $.66 OOP. Earn $4 RR.
Transaction #5
1 - Gillette Deodorant
1 - Gillette Bodywash
1 - Mars Singles (w/ in ad coupon)
-Free Gillette Bodywash with Deodorant purchase
Total $4.48. Pay with $4 RR and $.48 OOP. Earn $1.50 RR.
Transaction #6
1 - Milk
Total $1.98. Pay with $1.50 RR and $.48 OOP.
Total OOP of
In Transaction #4, you could also add in the cartridges for an additional $3 RR.
You might also be interested in inserting the Huggies deal. Jumbo pack of Pull-ups for $8.99 - $2 Huggies IP = $6.99, earn $3 RR.
For more deals and scenarios, check out Deal Seeking Mom.
Walgreens $5 Challenge
Transaction #1
1 - Dove Men + Care Bodywash
-$1.50 Dove Men + Care Bodywash IP
Total $4.49. Earn $5.99 RR.
Transaction #2
1 - Gillette Deodorant
1 - Gillette Bodywash
1 - Glad Cling Wrap (w/ in ad coupon)
1 - Disney Coloring Activity Pad (w/ in ad coupon)
-Free Gillette Bodywash
Total of $6.32. Pay with $5.99 RR and $.33 OOP. Earn $1.50 RR
Transaction #3
2 - Orbit Multipack
1 - dozen Eggs
-$1 Orbit IP
-$1 Orbit IP
Total $1.99. Pay with $1.50 RR and $.49 OOP.
Total for the three transactions $5.31 OOP.
For more $5 Walgreens deals, check out the Walgreens $5 Challenge.
CVS Scenarios - week of 2/7
Transaction #1
5 - Nabisco Crackers
-$2/2 Nabisco Cracker IP
-$2/2 Nabisco Cracker IP
-$1/1 Nabisco Cracker mfg coupon
Total $5. Earn $3 ECBs.
Transaction #2
2 - Pantene Shampoo/Conditioner
2 - Gillette Body Wash
-$2/2 Pantene mfg coupon
-$2 Gillette Body Wash mfg coupon
-$2 Gillette Body Wash mfg coupon
Total $9, pay with $3 ECBs and $6 OOP. Earn $5 ECBs.
Transaction #3
1 - Listerine Mouthwash
1 - Reach multipack Toothbrush
-$1 Listerine mfg coupon
-$1 Reach Toothbrush mfg coupon
Total $5.98, pay with $5 ECBs and $.98 OOP. Earn $4 ECBs.
Transaction #4
4 - Nivea Lip Care
-$2.99 Nivea Lip BOGO mfg coupon
-$2.99 Nivea Lip BOGO mfg coupon
Total $5.98, pay with $4 ECBs and $1.98 OOP. Earn $5 ECBs.
alternate Transaction #4 (sometimes you can use a coupon for the free one and a coupon for the one you buy, if you can this is a better deal)
4 - Nivea Lip Care
1 - Trident Layers
1 - Valentine Photo Card
-$2.99 Nivea Lip BOGO mfg coupon
-$2.99 Nivea Lip BOGO mfg coupon
-$1 Nivea mfg coupon
-$1 Nivea mfg coupon
-$.75 Trident Layers mfg coupon
Total $5.22, pay with $4 ECBs and $1.22 OOP. Earn $5 and $1 ECBs.
Total OOP for the day is $14.96 with $6 ECBs left for next week or to pick up something else you need. (if you do alternate #4, then it is $13.20 OOP with $6 ECBs to roll).
For more deals and scenarios, check out Money Saving Mom, Deal Seeking Mom, Cha Ching Queen and the "Cent"sible Sawyer.
CVS $5 Challenge
Transaction #1
4 - Nivea Lip Care
-BOGO Nivea Lip Care mfg coupon
-BOGO Nivea Lip Care mfg coupon
-$1 Nivea mfg coupon
-$1 Nivea mfg coupon
Total $3.98, earn $5 ECBs.
Transaction #2
1 - Listerine
1 - Reach TB
-$1 Listerine mfg coupon
-$1 Reach TB mfg coupon
Total $5.98, pay with $5 ECB and $.98 OOP. Earn $4 ECBs.
Transaction #3
2 - Cheerios
1 - Valentine's Day photo card
1 - Reese's Valentines single
-$1 Cheerios IP
-$1 Cheerios IP
Total $3.99, pay with $4 ECBs. Earn $1 ECB.
Total OOP of $4.96 with $1 ECB left to roll.
For more $5 Scenarios, check out the CVS $5 Challenge.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Free Grand Slam - February 9th
As always, I suggest calling ahead to make sure your location is participating.
Fat Burnin' Friday
I did learn something exciting though this week. I went to the doctor and when the nurse was checking all of my vitals, I asked her if she could provide what my weight had been on previous visits. She pulled out a paper and wrote them all down for me. The only visit to the doctor since I started going there when I moved to Ohio that I weighed less than I do now was on my first obstetric visit with my son - 7 years ago. I am officially within grasp of having lost all of my pregnancy weight (it only has taken 7 years!). That is pretty incentivizing. I would love to get to my prepregnancy weight (and lower).
I completed week 12 of P90X this week. Now, all I have left is the recovery week. Then, I am going to take a couple of weeks and try some alternate workouts intermixed with some of the strength workouts from P90X. Then, I would like to start round 2. I happened to catch an infomercial the other day and the one guy showed pictures of his progress through round 1, round 2 and round 3. Each time through he improved his physique and lost more weight. I know that my friend from work who introduced me to the program has gone through it a few times and she continued to get more fit as well, so I believe that I would benefit from repeating the 90 day program again. Only the next time, I might try to work in the 6th day and/or the Ab workout - both of which I didn't do this first time (I did Abs about 5 times, but not the 3 times a week that I was supposed to).
At Weight Watchers on Monday when I weighed in, I had lost over 1#. I was very excited about that. I hope that I have a good weekend (tougher with Super Bowl) and can still see a loss next week, despite my plateau.
I still have 17.2# to go to my goal weight.