I recently had the opportunity to review The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers 2 from Tyndale House Publishers.
There is a page for each day of the year (including February 29th for leap years). Each page features a short verse from the Bible, a devotion, an illustration featuring the Little Blessings characters and a short rhyming prayer. The devotions are short and simple, which is good for younger children who have short attention spans. While simple, the devotions are about things your child can relate to, making it easy to start a discussion with your child about the bible verse and devotion. Some of the devotions even include questions, from which your discussion with your child can springboard.
I think that the format of the book is a great way to share the bible with your younger children. When my son was first born, we bought a Bible for toddlers and while it shared a number of stories with minimal detail, I always felt it was lacking in that it didn't bring about many discussions and didn't seem to teach but rather only familiarize them with some of the basic Bible stories. This book, because of its styling with daily passages makes it easy to share with the kids and leads to discussions about the lessons it is sharing. It's not telling the stories of the Bible, so much as it is allowing your children to understand the teachings of the Bible.
The book is titled to suggest that it is for Preschoolers, but I also think that it would be appropriate for older children. The passages are simple enough that an early reader could read it and think about the devotions.
Title: The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers 2
by Carla Barnhill; illustrated by Elena Kucharik
Age range: 3-6 years old
Publisher: Tyndale
Price: $14.99 (hardcover)
I received no compensation for this post. I received a complimentary copy of The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers 2 to review and share with my children, through MamaBzz.
nice job on the review - I'm still learning how to do these, so it's good to read other folk's versions.
I've been enjoying the book too!
Sounds like a great book. Any book that provokes discussion especially with kids at such a young age is always good.
I've been wondering how I could start teaching my kids about the bible, like how do you go about explaining that? This would be a great tool...
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