Monday, December 21, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Well, I finally did it. I finally emptied the deep freeze. It is "air drying" now, which means one of these days, I need to head to the store and do some shopping to start restocking.

We were busy celebrating Christmas with family this weekend and only purchased milk for the week. I need to pick up food for our Christmas at home, so I know I will hit the store later this week.

At our house, the focus is on dinners. I tend to only list the main course and any standard side we have with it. We do still have vegetables and/or fruit with each of our dinners, I just don't always call them out.

Christmas brunch - with cousins
Christmas dinner - with my Mom's extended family

Pasta with Vodka Sauce

Homemade pizza

Pork Chops

Dinner out

Christmas dinner - turkey and fixings

Leftovers/find what you can

Weekdays breakfast is at daycare for my daughter, the rest of us eat cold cereal, frozen waffles, oatmeal, toast or whatever strikes our fancy. Lunch we pack, usually leftovers for me.

Check out other menu plans for the week at Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie.


Unknown said... 1

You have a delicious menu planned!
I’m so glad that my husband isn’t working on Christmas Eve and Christmas. He really needs the days off.
Here’s wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!

ps Please feel free to stop by my blog and leave a comment regarding “Do you still read the newspaper”?