Tuesday, October 6, 2009

OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover Review and Giveaway

See that shirt? That is the type of random stain that seems to come home on my son's shirt on a regular basis. Sometimes, it is obvious what the stain is, other times any guess is a good one. I have seen spaghetti sauce, ice cream, mud, pencil, crayon and more. This can be quite a laundry challenge.

When I was contacted about an opportunity to try out OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover, I knew we could put it to the test. I am definitely one to pre-treat stains, when I can. I find that this can really help get the garment clean. I even carry around assorted mini spray bottles, wipes and pens to help treat stains on the go. Sometimes the pre-treatment comes moments before it goes in the wash, but I think the focused application of a cleaning agent to the spot still helps it come cleaner than just detergent in the water.

I received my bottle last week and have been using it to treat stains as they come home. I have been pleased with the results. Most of the stains have come out completely with just one treatment and wash. On the more stubborn stains, I had to treat it a second time, but in the end OxiClean won the battle and the stains have come out. (this isn't uncommon in my house - many stains require a little extra TLC in the form of repeat treatment even with other laundry stain removers we have used)

I was interested to learn when I read the back of the bottle that it is a multi-purpose stain remover and that I could also use the same spray to clean the kitchen and bathroom or on water washable upholstery. I never would have thought to use a laundry stain remover elsewhere, but figure that could be handy.

You can learn more about OxiClean and the other products produced by Church & Dwight, including brands like Kaboom and Arm & Hammer at GreatCleaners.com. According to the company, many women (and men) are finding it harder to find the time to clean their homes and GreatCleaners.com offers a host of products that make that job much easier and faster.

At GreatCleaners.com , you can get cleaning tips, by reading Julie's Cleaning Secrets blog. You can order product to be delivered direct to your door and even sign up for the Clean Club, a service that offers automatic delivery of cleaning products to your door - you set the frequency for your account.

Pre-treating my laundry works for me. For more cleaning tips, check out Works For Me Wednesday Cleaning Tips edition at We Are THAT Family.

I'm glad to say that in addition to allowing me to trial the product, the company was kind enough to offer me an opportunity to giveaway an Arm & Hammer Stain Fighting Kit to one of my readers.

How to enter:

Primary entry - Leave a comment sharing your biggest laundry or cleaning issue.

Bonus entries -
Follow GreatCleaners on Twitter. Leave a comment with your twitter ID letting me know you follow.

Fan Great Cleaners on Facebook. Leave a comment letting me know you became a fan.

Tweet about this giveaway. Can be done once per day, be sure to leave a separate comment for each tweet. You can copy this: Win an Arm & Hammer Stain Fighting Kit courtesy of @GreatCleaners and @ABusyMomofTwo. http://bit.ly/3urNMA

Fave this blog on Technorati. Leave me a comment letting me know you did.

Giveaway will remain open until Friday, October 16th at 9 pm Eastern. Winner will be selected using a random number generator. Winner will be contacted by e-mail and have 36 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected.

Don't forget to check out my other giveaways: Once in a Blue Moon by Eileen Goudge and 4 tickets to the circus in Cleveland, Ohio.

I did not receive any compensation for this post, but did receive a complimentary bottle of OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover to use and review.


Just Jennifer said... 1

Great tip. :D

Angela said... 2

My one year old son likes to touch car tires and gets so dirty! I try to keep him away but he is quick.


Unknown said... 3

My challenge? Three sons. 'Nuff said. :)

Anonymous said... 4

My biggest laundry woe? A delightful pug that likes to snuggle under the covers and make my sheets dingy.

BWoz said... 5

My biggest cleaning challenge is often times myself! I find that becuase I'm so pressed for time, I leave things half done (or half undone) - only to come back to them later, when I'm exhuasted - and they frustrate me because it's causing a mess. Anything, like this product, that would help reduce time to clean gets an A+ in my world! :)

Brandi said... 6

Hard water is my biggest laundry issue!!

Jennifer M. said... 7

My biggest challenge when it comes to laundry is making sure my husband remembers to tell me when he has a stain on his clothes!

Marie said... 8

I have alot of laundry problems. I have a 16 month old who is learning how to eat and every time we go outside to play he gets filthy. Also my husband is an auto technician and his clothes are greasy.


Connie said... 9

Unexpected stains are my biggest problem. Things that I don't find before washing to pretreat. Things that I find when I am taking them out of the dryer. "sighs"

wigget said... 10

food stains are my biggest problem. though my husband's backyard work with dirt is becoming an issue too.

Tamara B. said... 11

My oldest son is studying to be a chef and has to wear white jackets. Needless to say when he comes home the stains are unbelievable, mustard, marinara, gravy you name it. I sure could use all of the help I can get.

Tamara B. said... 12

I am a Fan Great Cleaners on Facebook.

Lori Sifuentes said... 13

My biggest cleaning issue is the tile floor. About 50% of the house is tile so the grout and tile itself has been an issue.

surveys4lori@rocketmail dot com

vividchord said... 14

Underarm stains in t-shirts, I don't know if it's due to the deodorant or what, but they're so hard to get out

patty said... 15

Kids wear uniforms so they need to be in great shape and oxiclean is great. I follow on twitter.lambchop1965 is my user name

Anonymous said... 16

My biggest laundry issue is those small mealtime stains that get on my toddler's neckline...I usually spray on something right before I put it in the wash...rarely does it come clean...Oxy clean sounds like something I should try. Thanks for the review.

DIY Crush Blog said... 17

My son's nose bleeds sometimes and the only way I can get blood out is to soak his clothes in cold water with nothing added! Works every time!

Amy said... 18

I became a fan of Great cleaners on facebook, Thanks, Godesseablu@msn.com

Amy said... 19

My biggest laundry problem is how to get out grease, If I'm cooking a hamburger I hate when grease pops up on my shirt. Thanks, Godesseablu@msn.com

Stephanie said... 20

Food stains! scg00387 at yahoo dot com.

Amy said... 21

I clean commercial buildings part-time and use my own rags, etc. Getting them clean is my biggest laundry problem. That and my 4 year old who never drops food on her shirt...unless she's eating spaghetti, or grape juice, or something else that stains.

bison61 said... 22

oil, grease and red juice stains are my biggest problems

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Unknown said... 23

My biggest laundry concern is grass stains. After my son comes home from school the knee of his pants is filled with them. Sad part about it is they stains are extremely hard to remove.

My email is on my blog thanks!

Unknown said... 24

I'm following great cleaners on twitter my twitter name is @thesweetmom

Unknown said... 25

I'm a fan of great cleaner.

Unknown said... 26

I tweeted!


Steph said... 27

My biggest laundry issue is that there's too much of it! And I hate putting it away!


Young in TX said... 28

bleach. it's catastrophic occurrence when I use it. what a mess.


Rhonda Clemens said... 29

We love oxiclean, this laundry detergent does what it says, keeps our clothes clean!


Rhonda Clemens said... 30

I tweeted on twitter!



Jay said... 31

My biggest issue is feeling like I'm always doing it. It has helped to try to do laundry only 2 days a week but then I don't fold it and put it away right away!

Nancy said... 32

My biggest issue is getting horse slobber and ground in dirt off our shirts after working at the barn. My horse always wants to rub her face on me and then eating an apple is always slobbery fun - seems I can't make it out of the barn without at least one horse making sure my shirt/jeans are dirty!

JC said... 33

My biggest laundry issue is grass stains. It seems like no matter how hard I try, just can't get them off easily.

JC said... 34

Follow GreatCleaners on Twitter@tcarolinep

JC said... 35

Fan Great Cleaners on Facebook@tcarolinep JessieKatie S.

JC said... 36


JC said... 37
This comment has been removed by the author.
JC said... 38

Technorati faved@tcarolinep

PS. Seems like Technorati is renewing the site, I faved your blog yet not sure if the site kept it in my profile.

rebecca said... 39

I have a hard time pre-treating stains because my laundry room is outside and around the house...

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Luv to Save said... 40

My biggest laundry issue food stains from my toddler's clothes and formula stains from my infants clothes!!
luvtosave at gmail.com

Luv to Save said... 41

Following GreatCleaners on Twitter as luv_to_save
luvtosave at gmail.com

Luv to Save said... 42

tweeted http://twitter.com/Luv_to_Save/status/4919585157
luvtosave at gmail.com

Julie said... 43

We have hard water so clothing gets dingy looking
