A while back, I was contacted about trying Disposer Care. I have a garbage disposal and I have tried the standard home remedies of lemon rinds and baking soda to eliminate odors. They both seem to work okay, but I thought why not give this a try since in addition to removing odors it cleans the disposer and removes residue.
The product is really simple to use. You start with a clean disposer (so I ran mine first to be sure). Then you run a strong stream of warm water into the sink, off to the side, not directly into the disposal for one minute. Reduce that stream to a trickle, insert the packet of Disposer Care into the disposer and turn on the disposer. It's pretty cool to watch the product foam up and out of the drain. You know it is done when the foam retreats and you hear the water swish.
I have a double sink in my kitchen and every time I run my disposal, it seems to back into the other side of the sink, leaving behind a greasy, goo - a mess that I feel like I am forever trying to clean up. When I used the Disposer Care, the foam rose into the other side of the sink. The foam cleans the grease and build up as it rises and continues as it retreats. After using Disposer Care, a simply swipe with a paper towel and the drain on the other side of my sink was clean, which made me happy!
I didn't have much foaming out of the drain on the disposal side. I'm not sure if the disposal is deep enough that it just didn't rise into that side or if it is the nature of the disposal operation. Either way, it definitely eliminated the odors in the garbage disposal, but honestly, even though the package says lemon scented, I didn't notice a lingering lemon smell.
The 6-pk retails for just under $5 on Amazon.com, but is also readily available at many stores including Walmart and Target.
Have you used Disposer Care? What did you think? Have you tried something else? Leave a comment or link to your blog.
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