Lesson learned this week: Weekends can be a big struggle when you are entertaining. We had friends over for dinner and some gametime on Saturday night. We decided to order in pizza for dinner. I could have stopped at a couple of slices, but decided I had to have that third slice, it just tasted so good. Then, I had the brilliant idea that we should have dessert - brownie sundaes, no less. Then, of course, there were the obligatory chips and dips and pepperoni and cheese with crackers that we set out while we were playing games. I needed a refreshment, so I elected to have some wine. Seeing as how I probably consumed a whole day worth of calories after 5, I started my week with a gain. A frustrating way to start a week.
I did pretty good the rest of the week. I got up every morning, as planned, to work out. I did have some ice cream, but I made sure to limit my serving size. Then, we went out to an impromptu dinner on Thursday, so despite more of a loss reflected on Thursday morning, I wound up with only a small loss, but it was a loss.
I'm confident that I will do better next time I am in that situation. There wasn't anything wrong with having any of the items that I had, I just shouldn't have had as much of the items I had. I could have had less pizza for sure and a smaller brownie sundae. Knowing how that one night of splurge made my struggle harder, I will be stronger next time.
Pounds lost to date: 8.5#
Pounds to go: 24.5#
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