
Sunday, March 22, 2009

CVS Scenarios - week of 3/22

The deals seem a little slim at CVS this week, but I did come up with a couple of transactions that I could do.

Transaction #1
1 - Crest Pro Health Toothpaste

-$1 Crest ProHealth Mfg coupon

Pay $2.49 OOP and earn $3.49 ECBs.

Transaction #2
1 - Schick Intuition Plus
2 - Post Trail Mix Crunch Cereal (BOGO)

-$4 Schick Intuition Plus Mfg coupon
-$2 Trail Mix Crunch IP
-$2 Trail Mix Crunch IP

Total $5.58. Pay with $3.49 ECBs from transaction #1 and $2.09 OOP. Earn $3 ECBs.

Transaction #3
3 - Pepsi 12pks

-$6 3 x $2 any Pepsi Mfg coupon (from mail in coupon request)

Total $5. Pay with $3 ECBs from Transaction #2 and $2 OOP. Earn $3 ECBs.

Spend the ECBs on something else you need or hold them for next week.

For more deals and scenarios, check out Money Saving Mom , Deal Seeking Mom, and The "Cent"sible Sawyer.

CVS $5 Challenge

Transaction #1
1 - Crest Pro Health Toothpaste

-$1 Crest ProHealth Mfg coupon

Pay $2.49 OOP and earn $3.49 ECBs.

Transaction #2
1 - Schick Intuition Plus
2 - Post Trail Mix Crunch Cereal (BOGO)

-$4 Schick Intuition Plus Mfg coupon
-$2 Trail Mix Crunch IP
-$2 Trail Mix Crunch IP

Total $5.58. Pay with $3.49 ECBs from transaction #1 and $2.09 OOP. Earn $3 ECBs.

Total OOP $4.58 and you have $3 ECBs to roll to next week.

To see more $5 Scenarios, check out CVS $5 Challenge at Keeping the Kingdom First.


  1. How did you get pepsi coupons? I am new at this. Been doing these for only a couple of weeks but i'm hooked! Still trying to find my way around.

  2. pennypincher - I got those coupons through a mail in offer that Pepsi had a few months back. You sent in UPCs and receipts for a certain number of soda/chips and in exchange, they sent $15 in coupons.
