
Sunday, December 28, 2008

CVS Scenarios - week of 12/28

There are few things that are of interest to me this week. I have a number of coupons expiring, that I think I can use to take advantage of some of the sales.
After looking at some other posts, I must say that there are some regional differences to the ECB deals that we have in NEO and what I am seeing elsewhere (as well as the prices).

Transaction #1
2 - Colgate Total
-$1.50 Colgate mfg coupon
-$1.50 Colgate mfg coupon

$2.99 total, earn $4 ECBs.

Transaction #2
2 - Pantene Shampoo/Conditioner
-$3 $3/2 Pantene mfg coupon

$4 total, pay with $4 ECBs from Transaction #1. Earn $2 ECBs.

Transaction #3
2 - Old Spice Deoderant
-$1 $1/2 Old Spice mfg coupon

$4 total, pay with $2 ECBs from Trasnaction #2 and $2 OOP. Earn $1 ECB.

Transaction #4
2 - Dawn Dishsoap
-$.25 mfg coupon
-$.25 mfg coupon

Total $.99. Pay with $1 ECB adjusted down.

For $4.99 OOP, you will have 2 Toothpastes, Shampoo/Conditioner, 2 Deoderants, and 2 Dishsoaps.

Of course, if you plan to use the $3/$15 coupon then, you might want to combine these transactions or take advantage of some of the buy $20 get $10 deals - Excedrin and Benefiber/Maalox.

Check out more $5 CVS Scenarios at the CVS $5 Challenge at Keeping the Kingdom First. Check out even more scenarios at The "Cent"sible Sawyer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I found the 99 cent first aid kits on a side of an end-cap near the pharmacy. They were hard to miss. You might ask your manager if they have any - in my experience the clerks and managers are generally happy to help you find things.
